4 days, and Christmas crabbies.

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Posted 11 Dec 2007 in marriage

Last night, I actually packed the remainder of the bedroom, save a few drawers of my lil ikea dresser. All that remains are some breakables in the living room and the kitchen. I wish I hadn’t packed the camera already – I’d show pictures of the hellaciousness that is our apartment. The cats are having a field day with all the boxes and insanity.

After reading my dear friend’s blog this morning…I suddenly grew sad (again) that I won’t be home over Christmas. I mean, my parents are coming up here the 22-24th, so at least I get to see them, but I won’t get to see any of my friends. I don’t have any siblings, so I’ve come to rely on my girlfriends as my extended family. Martini is my BFF, we’re seriously like sisters. The rest of my girlfriends are like my cousins, I’ll say. But still – not being able to see them around the holidays makes me really sad. A few of my friends from back home have been my friends for over 20 years. That’s ridiculous – and why they’re like family.

It’s strange, while I will be missing out on seeing my whole family as well over the holidays, that isn’t hitting me as much yet, as much as not seeing my friends is. My mom’s family is going to Tahoe for the holiday, sans my parents. My two little cousins that were just born this summer will be there, whom I have yet to meet. It’s a bummer. I only choked up a little at Thanksgiving, when I talked to my mom on the phone and could hear everyone in the background. I think Christmas is going to be different.

Alright – I’ll try to snap out of my crabbies and get cheery since we’re moving and that’s happy times!

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