There is a light that never goes out.

Posted 24 Jan 2013 in motherhood, other people are awesome, please and thank you

The ultrasound today showed no significant change. I was measuring 8 weeks along, but still nothing.

John the midwife was able to get me on the schedule tomorrow for a D&C. As my friend Charlie calls it, a “Definitely Not Cool.” If you don’t know what it is, you’ll have to Google it yourself.

All I know is that by 2pm tomorrow, the majority of this situation will be behind me, and my only task will be to heal. I’m not going to lie…as soon as I feel up to it, the first things I want to indulge in includes wine and sushi…so I’m hoping next weekend we can check those off the list.

Abby and I did a little Valentine’s day decorating in the house tonight, and I couldn’t be happier than to come home tomorrow to a house decorated in honor of love.

Thank you again to anyone who had me in their thoughts today. It made my time in that waiting room this afternoon much easier.


  1. love you.

  2. Ditto on the love.

  3. Laurie

    So sorry..

  4. My heart breaks for you. Much love to you.

  5. Amy

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I had this almost exact same thing happen to me with my first pregnancy and it was heartbreaking and confusing and just awful. The worst part for me was telling people I WAS pregnant, but no longer am…after the fact. And then having them say, well at least it was early, at least you didn’t get too far along, blah blah blah. It still hurts. The pain is real, and I hope that your body and heart heal quickly.
    Amy recently posted..My own. {York, SC Child Photographer} My Profile

  6. Ughh I’m so so sorry

  7. Human bodies can be such frail, stupid things sometimes. They are capable of awesome feats like boogers and orgasms. And then, they can be so tragic and heartbreaking.

    Having been through this process by proxy of my wife I’m sending you all my love. Take time for yourself. Indulge in healing and enjoyable activities.
    Charlie recently posted..Teaching Your Kids About Music My Profile

  8. Oh, Jenna. I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ll be in my thoughts, love. May you heal well.
    Jenny recently posted..Is this it? My Profile

  9. i’m so sad for you :(

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