La La Love You

Posted 15 Feb 2011 in marriage, other people are awesome, The Hubs

While most of my day yesterday was spent chasing after a nearly 16 month old with a kleenex and drool rag, the hubs and I did have reservations at a great restaurant called Spill the Wine. I had a delicious viognier hybrid of sorts while the hubs had a wine pairing for all 4 courses of his meal. It was an awesome night. The in-laws kept Abby overnight, which essentially resulted in me sleeping until 2:30am and then tossing and turning for the next 3.5 hours until my alarm went off. *sigh*

But dinner was good. As are the gorgeous roses the hubs surprised me with.

Yes, I am wearing a blanket & the hubs has a sweatshirt on his shoulders. We are classy. (photo from mexico)

Love you lots, my dear. Nine years of Valentine’s days. I couldn’t ask for anything more.


  1. you guys are too cute! happy vday, lovely <3
    Linz recently posted..Mellow Yellow My Profile

  2. Y’all are so cute <3

  3. Is your hair curly or are my eyes deceiving me?

  4. (now that’s it’s short I curl it occasionally. who am i?)

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