I Miss Martini.

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Posted 10 Jul 2008 in blog bidnass

Fellow blogger Lesli inquired about my dear friend Martini and the whereabouts of her blog.

Well, fellow bloggers, someone committed the mortal sin of blogging. Someone sent her blog to Italy. Needless to say he initially didn’t take it well. Who would do such a thing? Who knows Martini (and Italy) well enough to be such a douche? That question remains unanswered. I wish I had enough sleuthing skills to figure it out, but I don’t. In any case, she chose to delete her blog for fear this unnamed person might pass it along to others in her life. (I swear, if I ever find out who did this, their ass is grass.)

I miss Martini’s writing. She’s promised to come back again someday.

Martini – I hope you don’t mind my divulging this to the public. Inquiring minds want to know!

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