How far along? 21
Total weight gain/loss: About +10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yep. Bought a couple Liz Lange maternity tees at Target yesterday. And I got a pair of gauchos too. SO COMFY. I could wear them all the time.
Stretch marks? Just of the thigh variety.
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night but waking up tired.
Best moment this week: Seeing the ninja kick me on the outside!
Movement: Indeed.
Food cravings: Still kind of Mexican-y.
Gender: All my friends have me thinking girl (but I’m still kind of leaning boy).
Labor Signs: Still working the BH.
Belly Button in or out? Flattening by the day.
What I miss: Relaxing in the backyard with a Leinie’s Summer Shandy. Le sigh.
What I am looking forward to: This weekend! Yay for 4th of July fun!
Weekly Wisdom: Even if you don’t feel hungry, EAT. Getting a massive dizzy spell at the mall SUCKS.
Milestones: Those outside kicks.
Archive for June, 2009
21 weeks.
Category baby business, paparazzi
The Fruit: 21 weeks
Category baby business

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they’ve already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
(So, I should really try to cut back on the Cocoa Krispies and Sweettarts this week? Fine.)
SO happy I could cry.
Category other people are awesome
Almost 3 months ago, my Grandmother passed away. She always spoiled me rotten, always – and even in her passing, she continued to do the same.
I was lucky enough to inherit her car, which was such a blessing since the hubs and I have been a one car household for almost 2.5 years. With the lil’ ninja on it’s way, and the hubs working 10 hour days (not getting home until almost 7 or 7:30 every night), functioning with only one car was becoming nearly impossible. So, for the car alone, I am eternally grateful.
However, she also left me a chunk of an IRA. A decent sized chunk which the hubs and I had planned on just hanging on to, but had wanted to pay off some debt. Last weekend, I talked to my mom and dad, and they convinced me that I should just cash it out and pay off our biggest credit card (leaving the rest of our credit card debt manageable and probably will be paid off by October).
Today, I did just that. I paid off our big credit card. Our honeymoon, the Mexico trip from earlier this year, numerous kitty emergencies, and God knows what else, all FINALLY paid for.
That, my friends, was the greatest feeling in the world. Knowing when our babe enters this world, we’ll essentially be debt free (you know, aside from our car payment and mortgage) is the best feeling in the entire world.
Thanks again Gabs…you continue to be my guardian angel. Love you much, and miss you more.
I swear, we were just looking!
Category baby business, retail therapy
The hubs declared this weekend to be the weekend of Jenna – we do whatever I want to do, eat what and where I want to eat…etc, etc.
Last night we watched the Twins game (yay for winning) and hung out at a friend’s condo. Today, we slept in (glorious, I haven’t done that in a while) then cleaned up and headed to USA Baby. My only reason for heading there today was to get an idea of delivery times, prices, yadda yadda. Well, the first thing I see is a beautiful glider. And – surprise – they’re having a huge sale. I sit in it, and it’s super comfortable, even the hubs agrees. So we decide…we’ll order the glider today. However, the glider only comes in chesnut and espresso. (I had mentally already planned the whole room in white furniture.) Well, fine, an espresso wood glider will be okay with white furniture, right? Right. So we get ready to go up to the front and order, and I see the crib of my dreams in the front, and it’s on super clearance. It’s also in a gorgeous espresso, with pewter accents. It and the matching combo are beautiful and I decide that we should just order it all and be done with it, since it could take 10-12 weeks to arrive.
So, majority of baby furniture = purchased. However, now my entire design plan for the room is out the window…and honestly I don’t know what to do. The hubs almost has me convinced that the wall color in the nursery can stay as is and then we can just put the furniture in. Who knows. My brain hurts just from thinking about it.
Expect in the coming weeks I’ll be doing a lot of opinion asking, because I’m more confused now than ever.
Anyway, for your viewing pleasure – the furniture.
The newest belly pic is up…
Category baby business
…for your viewing pleasure.
Also – we got a letter today – the spina bifida test came back negative, so we’re in the clear for any abnormalities! (Aside from the horrid feet this baby is no doubt inheriting from me.)