Look what was in my mailbox today! Sophie! So of course, I opened up the package to play with her. (The babylegs came today too, but those aren’t as much fun to play with.)
I guess I didn’t really realize how much she squeaked. Or, how much that squeak sounds like the squeak of our cat Boo’s mousies.
Or how much that squeak drives Boo ABSOLUTELY INSANE. Every time I squeeze the thing Boo-boo seems to think that it’s automatically THROW SOPHIE time because he runs around in circles waiting for it to be thrown so he can run after it and sink his naughty teeth into it.
Hell NO, Boo. This toy will never be yours. That doesn’t mean that I won’t squeak it and fake throw it for HOURS just so I can laugh at you. Muah-ah-AH!