Was that a Mack truck? Oh wait – it was just the weekend.

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Posted 30 Aug 2009 in baby business, I am a moron, marriage, retail therapy

This weekend was a good one for sure, but completely wiped me out. We got so much done, spent a lot of time with my parents, and had a lot of fun. However, I am paying the price today. And last night. I paid the price last night too.

Anyway – we started the weekend out with a De La Soul concert at First Avenue on Thursday night, and after that wrapped up, headed to the hotel where my parents would be staying.

Friday, the hubs and I cleaned up the house, and once my parents arrived, my dad and I installed a ceiling fan/light fixture in the baby’s room. And we did it – we powered it up and it worked without smoking or blowing up. (High-five, Dad!) It looks pretty nice. I’ll take some more pics when we have a little more done. Friday night we went to a bar/restaurant in Northeast and then called it a night.

Saturday, my mom and I went to the Mall of America where she purchased early birthday gifts for me – work (maternity) clothes. The passing of labor day means no more “casual summer” at my job. Le sad. But now, I am set. Like my mom said – hopefully I don’t get put on bedrest or something and can actually use those clothes for the rest of my pregnancy! Saturday evening we went to the state fair, walked and ate tons of food, watched The Wailers play. I also froze to death. It was about 57 degrees…at 9:30 at night…at the end of August. Gotta love Minnesota weather. Anyway, contractions started up like the weekend before, and I had to get home. Once home, I reclined on the couch where my body pretty much gave up on itself, and every muscle ached. My dear hubs ran a bath for me (the first I’ve taken since being pregnant) and it was HEAVEN. It really helped. But, sleeping was another matter. I couldn’t get comfortable and my whole body was cramping up. I’ll assume it was rebellion for the miles I walked in both the mall and the fair. In any case, I slept pretty shitty.

Today we had breakfast with my parents and then they left. It was sad, but I think I was too tired/achy to cry. I don’t know if I’ll see them again before the baby’s here…we’re going to try for them to come again in October. Anyway – I’ve pretty much been parked on the couch since then, sleeping and relaxing, something I haven’t done in a while.

And, to round out this post to be the LONGEST EVER…I have a gallbladder update. This is where I get red faced and slightly embarrassed. The thought occurred to me last week that maybe the constant rib pain on my right side was caused by something else. I always felt better in the mornings, and some evenings…and (get this) whenever I would wear a sports bra. So, I moved my bra to the next loosest hooks.

The pain went away.

I am Jack’s complete and utter embarrassment.

Granted, I still get occasional pains here and there, but the constant ache I was experiencing is gone. I’m so relived, but still trying to eat a lower fat diet to get everything under control.

Later…or tomorrow, I’m going to post about the Dateline special on (right now) about vaccines and autism.

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