Archive for 2009

Uh….Marisa Tomei?

Posted 26 Jan 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are morons

WTF are you wearing? And what did you do to your hair?!

(I’m watching the SAG awards.)

Resolution #1 – FAIL.

Posted 26 Jan 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category marriage, other people are awesome, The Hubs

Wow. I’m all, “I’m gonna blog more!” and then 12 days pass and I don’t even bother. Dammit.

So, anyway…VEGAS! I had TONS of fun. The temperatures managed to stay above normal (read ALMOST 70 degrees!), and I managed not to lose my ass gambling. I did nearly lose my ass shopping.

Lessons Learned: Vegas edition.

1. It doesn’t matter how “comfortable” I seem to think my pointy Chinese Laundry heels are…THEY ARE THE DEVIL. I went out two nights in a row wearing those shoes, and was nearly crippled from them. They are cute though…but…THE DEVIL.

2. Just because they’re penny slots doesn’t mean I can’t blow through $20 in ten minutes. And just because my friends are winning doesn’t mean that I will too.


4. Five days and four nights in Vegas is borderline too much.

5. Don’t ever under-estimate the husband again. I was so tired and cranky from traveling and assumed the worst when I got home. Instead, I came home to a clean house and snuggling. Just what the doctor ordered. :)

So, that about wraps it up. It was super fun. Must do it again sometime. But with the husband instead.

Also, in late breaking news, we booked a trip to Mexico in a month! Can we afford it? NO! But we’re going with my parents, and it will be tons of fun I’m sure. (You have to know my parents to trust me when I say we’re going to have fun.)

I guess I should add:

Resolution #4 – FAIL.


Ann Coulter Farking SUCKS.

Posted 13 Jan 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are morons

Now, she’s on my list. I hated her before, but now I just want nothing more than to throat punch her.

Ann Coulter on the View

Frozen Solid.

Posted 13 Jan 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category marriage, RAD, retail therapy

I know, I know…I’m being a wuss. But really….it was -17 degrees when I left home this morning. Without the windchill. IN MINNEAPOLIS.


The only silver lining is that in about 50 hours, I’ll be on a plane to Vegas, where it is about 70 degrees warmer than it is here. AWESOME. I’m totally just going to walk around nude. Just kidding. But really, I will be wearing flip flops and NO EFFING JACKET.

And I’ll be shopping AND drinking at the same time. (I know, Martini, you’re all – but I do that all the time!) I’m talking LEGALLY. Nickel slots, call girls…I cannot wait.

Anyway…I have to say, I’m really going to miss the husband. I know it’s a girls weekend, but it will be weird being away from him for that long. I’ve only done it a couple times before, but I’ll be missing him dearly. Although, I’m sure he could do without all the shopping and hours of slot machine play. I know he’ll be keeping the boys (Milo & Boo) warm and happy – and probably having fun doing all the things I usually quietly disapprove of. :)

So, that’s where it stands. I still have to pack, do laundry, grocery shop with the husband, and of course…work before I leave. But, I’ve finally made a list. So at least I sort of have my shit together. I barely slept last night worrying about all the things I have to do before I leave. I need to knock that off.

Opinions, please.

Posted 09 Jan 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass

Should I redesign?

I’m considering trying to make my own theme from scratch. I have a graphic design degree for christ’s sake. I should maybe consider using it.
