Archive for 2009

What’s puffy and reflex-y and going to have a baby today?

Posted 26 Oct 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, The Hubs

That’s right, your mom.

No wait…I mean, me.

The verdict is in: pregnancy-induced hypertension. My BP was elevated, gained 3lbs since Thursday and protein was in the pee again. And after feeling like ass yesterday, John the Midwife made the call – today is the day.

The hubs and I are at home, repacking our already packed hospital bags and getting ready to go to L&D. They’re going to start by breaking my water – I’m at 5cms today, so…here’s hoping I don’t speed through this! My parents are getting their shit together and driving back in the next hour…it takes about 5 hours to get here. I just hope they’re here in time!


I’ll blog/tweet as I can. Follow me on twitter (link on the right in my blog) if you’d like to stay posted. :)

What the hell was THAT?

Posted 26 Oct 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, not so much

Posted at 12:44am – so when I say “tomorrow,” that really means today. FYI. :)

As I was saying goodnight to the hubs and getting ready to settle in on the couch, I started getting a sensation something along the lines of “this kid finally punched through my cervix and I know if I check I’ll have an arm hanging out of my vag.” I’m not joking. I started panicking a little. Every movement the ninja made felt like things were just opening up for it to fall out.

Then I remembered that since my water still hasn’t broken, that thankfully, that is not possible.

However, I am in full panic mode about WTF is going on down there. My pants-baby fears are not being quelled. I just spent the last 30 minutes googling “10 cms without pain” and “full dilation without warning.” Luckily there wasn’t much. But I’m still worried.

Huhhh, now the kid is awake and moving again. Sleep is not happening tonight. I just know it.

I have an “appointment” with John the Midwife tomorrow (appointment meaning I have to call and find out when to come in tomorrow morning) and part of me is wishing for induction or maybe “holy crap you’re 8 cms dilated – to Labor & Delivery!” just because I can’t imagine living with this baby-falling-out sensation for much longer.

I hate to ask this of you, dear readers…

Posted 25 Oct 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, please and thank you

But do you see that badge to the right? The one that says “We’re Listed! Top Baby Blogs!”? It’s also at the bottom of every RSS feed.

Well, they just restarted the count, so I need all the help I can get to go back to the number I was at before! I think I was around #56, which is awesome considering how many blogs are registered through the site.

Anyway – any clicks you’d like to give me would be greatly appreciated. There are a lot of other awesome blogs listed at this site as well that you should check out.

Thanks!!! You’re all swell…as well as the bees knees.

(Obviously I still have an inside baby. I’m working on it. Trust me.)

Dear Ninja: A Plea.

Posted 23 Oct 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, not so much

I’m just as appreciative of a good joke as the next girl, you know this. However, if these random contractions…these REAL contractions – don’t amount to REAL LABOR soon, we’re going to have a long talk about how rude it is to lead someone on.

I had the most painful one so far this morning, around 5:30am. It woke me up. I thought maybe it was just the evil combo of a braxton hicks along with a full bladder. However, after peeing, it was obvious it was much much more.

I’ve since had maybe 3 other contractions this morning that made me pause for a moment and made me unable to think of anything else. Of course, there’s no rhyme or reason to these contractions, and they’re lasting between 2-4 minutes a piece, with as much as FIVE HOURS apart.

My parental units will be here in about 5-6 hours.

I will say, if this DOES turn into labor this weekend, the Ninja will get a gold star for timing. Having my mom AND dad here for the big event would be more than I could ever hope for.

I’ll attempt to not get my hopes up.

Also, it’s snowing like a mo-fo right now.

Oh – and John the midwife called last night and said my bloodwork looked okay, so if nothing happens this weekend, I’ll be seeing him on Monday.

Add it to the list.

Posted 22 Oct 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, not so much
  1. Braxton Hicks starting around 16 weeks
  2. Gallbladder inflammation/attacks
  3. Rh negative
  4. Tested positive for preterm labor
  5. Dilated to 3-5cms before 37 weeks
  6. Bedrest

And now? Protein in the pee. Which is a cause for concern…that is a sign of pre-eclampsia. It’s slightly surprising since my blood pressure is usually pretty decent, but I did have a day of a headache that wouldn’t quit and some floaters in my vision yesterday. John the Midwife checked my reflexes and nearly got kicked in the face. I’m still not quite sure what that was for, but I did also mention the swelling I’ve noticed in the past couple of days, and the dent in my left shin from crossing my legs for 20 minutes the other day. My blood pressure was a little higher today (for me) but within normal range. He wasn’t too concerned about my weight gain – up 2lbs from last week (good GOD I’m 166lbs)…but did a blood draw for more info about the protein issue. John mentioned if the protein IS an issue, that they’d more than likely induce me.

Yep, the “i” word.

It makes me laugh; who in God’s name ever thought that someone who is 4-5 cms dilated would ever NEED to be induced, but apparently it happens. And yes…I’m still at 4-5cms.

I’m supposed to go in again on Monday for another check. My parents will be here tomorrow evening until Sunday – something tells me I’ll make it through the weekend, only to go in on Monday and have to go in for an induction the next day. Then my parents can just turn around and come back. :)