Archive for the ‘blog bidnass’ Category

Wake up, wake up, wake up (it’s the first of the month)

Posted 03 Dec 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, please and thank you, posting on-the-go

Jesus Christ on a pogo-stick. How is it that I only ever manage to post once a month around these parts?



I have many things I would like to get posted before the end of the year. I shall make a list. Lists motivate me. Most of the time.

  • Photos:
    Abby’s 3rd birthday (YEAH THAT HAPPENED, LAY OFF ME.)
    Any and all other awesome photos.
  • Recaps of the last 2 years.
    I know, HOLY SHIT, right? But seriously. I did this two years ago for Abby and I really want them for every year of her on this planet. So…I need to do this.
    I mean, not blogging about my period (don’t get me started) – but just more blogging. Get into the routine. You know, LIKE IT’S MY (3rd…no 4th) job.

Alright, I know this post was more for me than it was for you, but let’s pretend this was something solid. Kay? Thanks.

(While you’re here – you can check out my latest post over at Mamapop!)

Listen: Grizzly Bear

Posted 05 Oct 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, musics, other people are awesome, uncategorized

I just saw these guys at First Avenue on Monday night. They are quickly becoming my favorite band. (Look out, Queens of the Stone Age.)

This song isn’t off their newest, but is one of their best songs as far as I’m concerned. (Not to mention it was fucking kick-ass live.)

Please to enjoy.

Also if you haven’t seen it yet, I have a new post up at MamaPop.

An announcement I would have made Monday if it weren’t for GoDaddy.

Posted 12 Sep 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, I am awesome, please and thank you

So, Monday afternoon a super awesome thing happened:

Jack Osbourne Finds Naked Photos of Ozzy, World Mouth-Vomits In Unison

Okay, so the story headline itself isn’t what’s so awesome, it’s the fact that I WROTE IT.

Yes, my loyal readers (all 6 of you) – I’VE WRITTEN FOR MAMAPOP.

(cue crowd-deafening cheering and applause)

I’m on a trial basis for the first couple of months, but every Monday afternoon, check over at to see my newest installment of celebinsanity. I just made that word up. Not sure if it works. Nahhhh, what the hell. We’ll just say it does.

ANYWAY – I wanted to share all this fun news with you on Monday, but GoDaddy decided to eff up EVERYTHING and I couldn’t access my site. Or my email. Or my lifeblood. What makes me crazy is that all the (local) coverage about their outage indicated that the downtime was affecting “mostly small business owners”. Uh, exqueeze me? Baking powder? I will most definitely stand up and say I am not a small business owner. If anything, I maybe break even after paying for my domain and hosting. So, GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT, YO.

I’m home. Sort of.

Posted 07 Aug 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, other people are awesome

I got home from New York around 2:30 in the afternoon on Sunday. I was essentially brain dead after staying up all Saturday night with my roommates, laughing until I was asthmatic and crying. Previous days included drinking, walking, going to parties, schlubbing bags of shit I probably didn’t need through the hotel, making people laugh, people making me laugh, and being happier than I ever could have assumed I could be without my family by my side.

For some reason, this year’s BlogHer was…bittersweet. I’ve come to realize I have this magnificent group of friends that, to some, only live on the internet. I know this is a lie. I also know that people don’t understand how I can feel so strongly towards this same gaggle of people when I “barely know them.”

I guess what it amounts to is, unless you’ve ever experienced this kind of friendship, you will never know. I know that I have about 15 people who have my back not only via the internet, but in real life. These are TRUE FRIENDS. We can reconnect after a year of not seeing each other like a moment hasn’t passed.

Do you know how I know all this? I woke up this morning and started getting ready for work, and realized that just two days before, I could wake up and see any of them right then and there. Today, I couldn’t. And it seriously feels like I left part of me in New York.

Please, don’t get me wrong, I love my family and being home. THEY are home to me. They are my heart and soul. And I love my “regular” friends too. But sometimes? It’s nice to have people who live your life nearly the same, but different in their own ways. We are all the same deep down. We write. We blog. We live our lives in the open. We are people reaching out to find others who can relate. And I’ve found a bunch of them who I never want to lose as friends. Not in a million years.


This post brought to you by: Mandy, Mae, Morgan, Tiffany, Krystal, Jill, Charlie & Andy, Jen, Ari, Chelsey, Jess, Alena, Jamie & Jon, Miranda, & Suzanne and anyone else I’ve left off.

Obligitory BlogHer Post.

Posted 26 Jul 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, I am awesome, other people are awesome, paparazzi, RAD, uncategorized


If you’re totally not interested in any of this nonsense, feel free to skip this post.

If you’re going?! OMGLOLI’LLSEEYOUTHERE!!!one!!1!

I thought I’d do a little introduction post, so you know how to spot me or what conversation to strike up while we’re waiting in line for the bathroom at Sparklecorn.

First of all, this is me:

Yes, I own like, 4 different pairs of glasses. I’m a glasses horder. However, I might put on my big girl underoos and wear my contacts. IMMA MIX SHIZ UP. So, it’s essentially a grab bag.

Here’s things I would love to discuss with you!

Here’s what I don’t want to talk about.

  • Politics.
  • Religion.
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Scooby-Doo, Ni-Hao Kai-lan, etc. I get enough of that at home.
  • Blog Stats/Monetizing/Couponing (No offense.)
  • How I’m out of drink tickets.
  • That checking the weather is bad for my health.
  • What time my flight leaves.

But seriously, I am so stoked to land in New York on Wednesday evening, to spend sometime with some of my blogging besties (like, 20 of them) and how friendships made on the internets are just as real and true as any other.

What’s most hilarious is that as each year passes that I attend BlogHer, I spend less and less time packing. I mean, I’m actually going shopping for stuff to wear on Monday and am leaving on Wednesday. I think it’s safe to say I’m not worried about this shit anymore. I’m some sort of professional…something.

*This post is probably all over the place since I’m getting ready to leave for a cabin tomorrow and toddlers and SEINFELD IS ON and where the eff is the pizza man and laundry and dirty house. All at once. But again. Not worried.