Archive for the ‘I am awesome’ Category


Posted 14 Sep 2008 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category I am a moron, I am awesome

How does one rate the successfulness of a birthday?

Is being retarded hungover, still unshowered and in your pajamas on the couch choking down Powerade at 2pm a sign?

I had plenty of fun last night.

At least my house is clean.

Posted 22 Aug 2008 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category house stuffs, I am awesome, the cats, The Hubs

Not what I wore while cleaning.

Four hours of non-stop house cleaning and my abode is ready for a parental pop-in.

I vacuumed, mopped, straightened, dusted, arranged flowers, did dishes. I should have taken some pictures. Something tells me once I get home from work in a few hours that the husband will have somehow undone some of my hard work.

The parents will be here in about 7 hours.

Things I have to do before they get here:

Take kitties to the vet to get cathader-ized. (Pee-ers begone!)
Go to grocery store.
Go to home improvement store.
Clean bathroom – again (I can only assume).
Drink copious amounts of wine.

I’m in a surprisingly good mood today. Probably because I woke up to a home worthy of a spread in some home magazine. Certainly not Domino. Maybe Better Homes & Gardens if they had a sloppy 20-somethings issue.

So, Mrs. Jenna – what did you do last night?

Posted 26 Mar 2008 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category I am awesome

The only thing saving me at this point is that I didn’t do this on a Friday or Saturday night.

I organized and cleaned the laundry room/kitty litter area of the basement. For two hours. While doing 3 loads of laundry.

I even went so far as to mop the floors.

Anal retentive, OCD – party of one.


Posted 25 Jun 2007 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category I am awesome, wedding whatnots

Yes, it’s finally happened! The braces are off! See the horrible picture below of me at work via cell phone camera. Yes, I know there’s a lack of makeup and also some frizziness of the hair, but deal with it. :)

The weekend went well. Camping was fun – and this weekend, I’ll be going to Chicago for a shower being thrown by my aunts! That will be fun. Two plane trips in the same month!