Archive for the ‘other people are awesome’ Category

Gone too soon.

Posted 07 Apr 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category cancer sucks, not so much, other people are awesome

I’ll miss you more than you’ll ever know, my dear Gabba.


Maybe a little early, but a letter.

Posted 07 Apr 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, cancer sucks, not so much, other people are awesome

My dearest babybee,

Today, you have been in my tummy for 9 weeks. In those 9 weeks, many things (not all of the exciting nature) have happened. I’ve been to Mexico, you’ve grown a liver and other vital organs, I’ve slept and complained a lot, and we both ventured to the Twins home opener last night. I’m sorry to report that they lost, but this shall not shape the season to come. I’ve gotten off track.

The reason for this letter is to tell you that something sad happened last night. Your Great Grandmother passed away. It saddens me to no end that she never got to meet you. More importantly, that you never got to met her. She was a hell of a woman (pardon my french, dear babybee, but she must be described in this manner) and made me who I am today because of it. She toughed through 5 years of ovarian cancer when they only gave her 2. And she smoked and drank her way through it! She was not about to let anyone or anything tell her what to do. She lived her life the way she wanted to, and for that I have the utmost respect for her.

Even though you’re not aware of her existence right now, she knew about you. Just a couple weeks ago, she saw your very first picture, and she was so excited for you to be here. I know that she would have spoiled you rotten the way she spoiled me. And she would have loved you very very much.

Alright, momma has to stop right this now, since she is at work, at her desk, in a room full of people, and is about to cry.

Your daddy and I love you very much. Thank you for being with me, with us, to be the light in our lives in this dark time.


PS – Thank you for helping my body feel good for the second day in a week. I don’t know how you knew I needed it today, but I did. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Resolution #1 – FAIL.

Posted 26 Jan 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category marriage, other people are awesome, The Hubs

Wow. I’m all, “I’m gonna blog more!” and then 12 days pass and I don’t even bother. Dammit.

So, anyway…VEGAS! I had TONS of fun. The temperatures managed to stay above normal (read ALMOST 70 degrees!), and I managed not to lose my ass gambling. I did nearly lose my ass shopping.

Lessons Learned: Vegas edition.

1. It doesn’t matter how “comfortable” I seem to think my pointy Chinese Laundry heels are…THEY ARE THE DEVIL. I went out two nights in a row wearing those shoes, and was nearly crippled from them. They are cute though…but…THE DEVIL.

2. Just because they’re penny slots doesn’t mean I can’t blow through $20 in ten minutes. And just because my friends are winning doesn’t mean that I will too.


4. Five days and four nights in Vegas is borderline too much.

5. Don’t ever under-estimate the husband again. I was so tired and cranky from traveling and assumed the worst when I got home. Instead, I came home to a clean house and snuggling. Just what the doctor ordered. :)

So, that about wraps it up. It was super fun. Must do it again sometime. But with the husband instead.

Also, in late breaking news, we booked a trip to Mexico in a month! Can we afford it? NO! But we’re going with my parents, and it will be tons of fun I’m sure. (You have to know my parents to trust me when I say we’re going to have fun.)

I guess I should add:

Resolution #4 – FAIL.


Vegas, baby, VEGAS.

Posted 05 Dec 2008 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category I am awesome, other people are awesome

I’ve been bad at blogging. This week has been long and rough. Headaches and ill-functioning organs have plagued me for the past couple of weeks. Today, I feel better. I even just ate Chipotle without it causing any explosive results. (So far.) TGIF.

ANYWAY, the post title. I’m going to VEGAS! Woo-HOO! One of my BFs Angie and I have decided to take a weekend vacay in January. My other BF Martini is more than likely joining us as well. What better way to celebrate Martin Luther King day than gambling and drinking! Screw the economy. I’ll win something…right? Angie and I haven’t been on a trip together since the spring of 2002, when we drove to Clearwater, Florida in my trusty Honda Civic with a couple other gals. That was a trip. However, we’re older and wiser now. And less likely to don a bikini. And thus, we shall base a trip on drinking, shopping and gambling. Man, I’m turning into my grandmother.

In Christmas shopping news, I’m nearly done. I need to get a gift for my dad, and then I’m finished. YESSS. Most of my gifts are wrapped, but due to unruly cats, we can’t put them under the tree, unless I want to wrap them again. Jerks.

3 weeks from today, I’ll be home, Christmas will be over, and I’ll have time to just relaaaxxxx. Excellent. Then…skiing/snowboarding in Lutsen over New Years, and then Vegas!!!

Style Stealer.

Posted 10 Nov 2008 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are awesome

Saturday night, I saw the band The Duke Spirit open up for Eagles of Death Metal. Not only am I now I diehard fan of The Duke Spirit, I would also like to steal the lead singer, Leila’s hair. See below.

I don’t know about the bangs so much, but I just love how choppy it is. It even makes me want to start highlighting my hair again. But I’m worried about the $$ involved. I used to have my hair colored exactly like this – when I met the husband. And now, my hair is dye/bleach free and it’s enjoying it.

Maybe I’ll start with the cut and go from there.
