Hey! Do you follow me on Twitter? I hope so. If you don’t, YOU SHOULD. Because Thursday, I’m leaving on a long weekend trip to visit my bestie Amanda. (You should follow her too. I guarantee there will be hilarity via Twatting.) (Wait, her account is locked down. I’ll have a chat with her about this.)
Anyway, YES! I have a weekend away from home, meaning a weekend away from the hubs and Abbers. I will miss them both very very dearly, but OH MY GOD do I need a girls weekend. It’s been no secret I’ve been in The Funk lately and I’ve had just about enough of it. I’ve been trending towards more of the happys lately, but I think this weekend might just help. Or being away from my little family will send me in a downward spiral of despair. Whatevs. There’ll be shopping and lots of the drink so I’m sure I’ll cope somehow.
(No, family members reading this, I’m not an alcoholic. Yet.)
SO – tune into Twitter starting Thursday afternoon. I’ll be twittering lots and lots until Monday when I return. I’ll be flying to Phoenix, going to an 80s themed happy hour, driving to historic Prescott, AZ…and seeing Sex & The City 2. Then somehow finding my way through the Sky Harbor Airport in a massively hungover state to fly back home.
Speaking of Sex & The City 2, have you seen this video? I swear to you it is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I’ve watched it a million times and tears come to my eyes EVERY SINGLE TIME. So…watch it. And follow this guy on Twitter.
PS – Got the kitchen painted. THANK THE GODS. It looks awesome, btw.