Archive for the ‘the cats’ Category

I thought our apartment was cramped…

Posted 29 Jan 2008 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are morons, the cats

What’s great is that each cat gets his or her own chair. How lovely.

Huhhh. Mondays.

Posted 01 Oct 2007 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category the cats, The Hubs

Well, after probably the busiest weekend in Minneapolis since the wedding, I am back at work, and exhausted. Things accomplished this weekend:

  • Looked at 9 more houses, liked one – then determined it to be too far away to ever have people visit or be able to go out for a night on the town. Back to the drawing board.
  • Kind of cleaned the apartment
  • Got most of the laundry done at the hubs parents
  • Got wasted and had a good time at birthday festivities, thus creating hangover type situation Sunday morning
  • Told landlord off about lease situation (well, the hubs did) and landlord backed off. Funny how mention of lawyers will make people eat their words

Things I didn’t get done this weekend:

  • Work on work (since I have 2 more weeks of work to get done before Friday)
  • Write effing thank you notes for the wedding. I want this done. In fact, this has do be done before Erin’s wedding in 2 weeks. And that’s that.

The hubs and I also have a date at the Hennepin County Government Center on Thursday to apply for our passports. This trip we can’t afford to Costa Rica is going to require them and we have most definitely waited too long already.

Also, please enjoy this photo of Boo-boo the cat hating his life, while the hubs and I laugh hysterically at him.