How far along? 22
Total weight gain/loss: About +/-10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes. And I just ordered a couple of sweatshirts from Old Navy so I can be warm at the cabin in a few weeks.
Stretch marks? Thigh ones aren’t getting better. Maybe worse. Ugh.
Sleep: Sleeping well, but pretty tired at night.
Best moment this week: The hubs getting kicked in the face by the ninja.
Movement: Werd.
Food cravings: Sugar. And lots of it.
Gender: I’m totally on the fence this week.
Labor Signs: Occasional BH.
Belly Button in or out? Flattening by the day.
What I miss: Not sweating in inappropriate places all the time. (Hello 24/7 boob sweat!)
What I am looking forward to: Twins game on Sunday. KILL THE WHITE SOX!
Weekly Wisdom: I got nothin’ this week.
Milestones: The face kick was pretty sweet.
22 weeks.
Category baby business
The Fruit: 22-24 weeks.
Category baby business

Watch what you say — baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby’s starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn’t be hard to figure out when — just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
Also, an FYI, as you may have noticed – the fruit doesn’t change again until week 25…so if you need a refresher – just come back here!
Patriotic recap.
Category baby business
This weekend flew by more quickly than I would have liked, and it’s amplified by the fact that the hubs has the day off today, where I am firmly planted in my seat at work. Boo. (AND it’s a gorgeous day to boot.)
At any rate, we spent most of the weekend preparing for our 4th of July party – cleaning, grocery shopping, tending to the yard. Thursday night was The Roots at First Avenue, totally awesome. I went home afterwards, and the hubs stayed out. I was fine with that – he even got home around midnight.
Friday was cleaning and prep day. Saturday I woke up a little later than I would have liked and started making WAY too much food. We had everything ready to go, and by the time most of our guests arrived, it started to pour. So, a couple hours of the BBQ were spent indoors, watching the Twins game…which was fine. It eventually cleared and we all headed back outside with towels and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon. In the evening, we drove to St. Paul to see Elvis Costello and some excellent fireworks. I learned that I cannot walk long distances because my back and knees are now those of an 80 year old. We got home, and I pretty much fell asleep while the hubs and a few of his buddies stayed up until the sun came up. Yesterday was clean up and lounge day, which was desperately needed.
Overall, it was quite a fun weekend. I got nothing accomplished in the baby area, but the hubs and I have decided to move the guest bed upstairs some day this week to get the ball rolling. I expect the crib and combo will be here sometime in the next two weeks, and the glider to be here in the next month…I just cannot wait to get it set up! But first…painting…hmmm….
And this concludes the most rambling blog entry to date. Thank you.
Category RAD
This Week’s Visualization
Imagine that’s your child. Now imagine that balloon is your sanity. There it goes!
Apparently prenatal = bikram.
Category baby business
Okay, maybe not really, but it honestly felt like it.
In all seriousness though, I REALLY enjoyed my yoga class last night. It was pretty crowded (thanks to the holiday weekend) and thus got to be about eleventy billion degrees in the room, but it felt awesome. Probably mostly due to the fact that I haven’t “exercised” for a long, long time. I was pretty flexible (thanks pregnancy!) but my balance sucked and my muscles weren’t ready. And I think all the movement pretty much lulled the ninja to sleep.
I commented to the hubs that after I was done with class, I almost felt as if I’d just gotten a massage. I was so relaxed, and my muscles felt really good!
Needless to say, I bought a 5-class pass and have signed up for the next 4 weeks – every Wednesday night. Time to buy maternity yoga clothes, and maybe my own mat.