Taking a quick break…

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Posted 21 Aug 2008 in house stuffs, the cats

…from losing my mind to update my blog. Martini’s been on my case. :)

This week has been retarded. And I’m not apologizing for using that word. It has been nothing short of RETARDED. It’s already Thursday. I have no effing clue where the week went. This is problematic since I have 9,358 things to get done before noon tomorrow and no time to do it. Mostly work stuff. House is in shambles. Laundry needs to be done. Yard needs tending. Cat(s) have decided to ruin our lives by peeing in places in the basement that don’t include their litter box. Carpets have been torn out.

I feel lightheaded and craptastic today. I would love to go home but our internet at home has been less than spectacular.

My parents will be in town in about 28 hours. I’m looking forward to this, but feel as though I will not get my house in the shape it needs to be in for a parental visit. Especially since our entire basement reeks of cat urine.

God help me.

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