Heartache and tears…

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Posted 25 Aug 2009 in baby business, not so much

Last night, a fellow baby-gestator posted this and little did I know it was in regards to a mutual e-friend from thebump.com.

Today, this e-friend made her own post regarding what happened last night, and for the first time, I cried for someone I’ve never technically met. Mere minutes after telling a friend that I was “so over being pregnant” and “ready for an outside baby” (you know, not really but ready for it to be November) – I get this news. No one should ever have to go through this, and it breaks my heart.

I am so grateful that my pregnancy, for the most part – has been free of problems and concerns. I am so grateful that I was able to conceive naturally AND quickly. Most of all, I am just thankful that I am pregnant. I really and truly am. I may bitch about it (a lot), but I love every minute of it and wouldn’t trade it for anything.

The world truly sucks sometimes. If you pray or have a way to send good thoughts to someone, please do. I’m sure she and her family could use a lot right now.

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