I don’t watch it BUT I NEED IT.

1 Comment
Posted 10 Mar 2010 in retail therapy

Do you see how incredibly awesome those Barbies are? It’s the new Mad Men collection from Barbie.

NYTimes.com says:

Mattel is licensing rights to the characters from Lionsgate, the studio that produces “Mad Men” for the AMC cable channel. There will be 7,000 to 10,000 copies of each doll, to be sold in specialty stores and on two Web sites, amctv.com and barbiecollector.com.

Forget the “Ken” versions of these dolls. I WANT THE BARBIES. They would be perfect for my doll collection. Like I said, I don’t watch the show (I know, I know, I HAVE to watch it cause it’s so good) but I just love stuff from that era.

::clears throat:: AHEM.

Dear SANTA and Birthday Gods,

I know it’s only March but OHMIGOD I need at least one of these Barbies. They’re so awesome and vintage and my collection would not be complete without one of them. 

Please and thank you.

Mrs. Jenna.



  1. Amanda

    Those are awesome!

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