Just one picture

Posted 16 Aug 2010 in Abigail, motherhood, paparazzi

Just had to post a picture, because OHMAGAH I love my baby girl.


  1. So cute! I wanted to get my nephew that shirt but they didn’t have it in child sizes. Did you get it at I Like You?

  2. She’s gorgeous! Do I spy BlogHer Mr. Potato head in the background?

  3. Yes. Yes you do. :) The hubs was the voice of reason and said not till she’s older. But she LOVES HIM.

  4. I just fell out of my chair from all the cuteness. Those eyes! That t-shirt! LOVE.

  5. Yeah, I did get that at I Like You! I think they have them at Pacifier on East Hennepin too. :)

  6. HAHA Peter was that same voice of reason, but weirdly enough I agreed with him this time 😛 Alexa is a random object eater..and a choker to boot!

    BTW, the store names in your area are awesome! I Like You, Pacifier, OMG DIES! Can I come live with you?

  7. AHHHHHHH!!! Those eyes and cheeks are so beautiful!!

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