Archive for 2010

Christmas List: The 2010 Edition

Posted 01 Dec 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are awesome, retail therapy

Since I love seeing other people’s Christmas lists, I thought I’d share mine. I don’t have much aside from nerdery, so…just ignore all that if you’re not one of us.

Things I would like for Christmas (both rational and irrational)

A Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Camera Lens

Adobe CS5 for my Mac
I can get this with an education discount. If you’re serious about getting it for me, you’re the bomb.
Commercial SRP: $1,899.00
Your Price:
(You Save $1,499.02)

Tim Gunn Bobblehead
No, I’m not kidding.

iPod Touch
with lots of GBs

Harry Potter Hardcover Book Set
Yeah, I know I just read them but I WANT THEM.

A ticket to BlogHer ’11

New Slippers
(since mine are stinky)
I wear a 7.5.

These Sorel boots
I don’t know what size I’d be, but they sell them at Columbia stores

Gift Certificate to Saint Sabrina’s
No, not for more tattoos – I buy my earrings there.

So…that’s what I sent to the hubs and parents. I always love anything pretty. Any gifts at all are awesome! But if I could have my way, I would get all of these. What do you want this year?

Short Attention Span Blogging.

Posted 30 Nov 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, not so much

Things lately in my brain have been…muddled, to say the least. My writer’s block has plateaued. I actually started this post over a week ago with just a title and an intent on making a bulleted list of shit I’ve done, and I couldn’t even do that.

Days like today, where I slept minimal hours last night due to Abby’s lack of sleep, I start to worry. About everything. And I can’t focus, which is to be expected since I haven’t slept. But then I get scared that I’m falling back into The Funk. My lack of motivation and jumping to the worst conclusion in situations screams depression and anxiety.

I’ve been shying away from Twitter, blogging, email and talking to my e-friends, and I don’t have a good reason why. I hate it. I want this blog to be so much and when I don’t post, I feel like I’m failing. And that makes me sad. It also makes me not want to post because what’s the point?

I feel like if I could have a weekend where I completed maybe ONE THING on my to-do list (either blog or life wise)…that it might be enough to kickstart my motivation to do ANYTHING.

ANYWAY, without further adieu, more bulleted lists about my life. Enjoy.

  • As mentioned above, Abby slept HORRIBLY last night. After traveling this weekend, Sunday was perfection – no waking, slept late. Yesterday started going downhill after a trip to Target – clingy, wouldn’t sit and play, needed me AT ALL TIMES, and seeming super lethargic. Last night she spent most of the night crying and half-sleeping, and was SUPER warm…yet no fever. Cooler jammies and tylenol helped briefly…then a bottle…then more being awake. I’m hoping it’s teething or a little bug. I don’t have it in me to deal with her when she comes home from the in-laws. And I feel horrible saying that.
  • Christmas tree went up last night. We went LED with our lights this year…some twinkling. Overall I like it, but the glow of the Christmas tree is like, white light instead of a warm glow. I give it a B right now. :)
  • My Christmas shopping is nearing completion. I still have to get another gift for my mom and dad…and Santa has not yet completed his purchases for Abbers, but the hubs is done…and everyone else is half done! However, I don’t know about wrapping said gifts and putting them under the tree – Abby has figured out how to open gifts, finally. (Bad timing!)
  • Other than her issues as of late – Abby has been just a complete joy. She loves getting kisses and is getting a little better at trying to walk. No serious walking yet, but a few steps here and there. I love her more and more every day.
  • My bedding I mentioned back here FINALLY came last week, and I love it. In fact, I don’t plan on painting our bedroom anymore. I like the blue walls with the bedding. And I plan on buying turquoise curtains for our room. Hope you’re okay with that, hubs.

Alright, if you’ve stuck with this post this long, you’re a saint. I’m going to try really hard to get back into the swing of things. I don’t want to settle in to where I am right now. I don’t like it. So…stay with me, people. Work in progress.

My brain is a blank sheet of paper.

Posted 20 Nov 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass

To say I’m in a blogging slump would be the understatement of the year.

I cannot for the life of me think of anything to blog about.

Part of me assumes it’s because not much is going on in our lives now. Of course, the holidays are fast approaching which means I’ll be busier than ever, but I just haven’t had that blogging bug lately. Nothing seems like a story to me. My mind literally only operates as a bulleted list machine.

I’m sure now that I’ve posted this, I’ll come up with a few posts in the next few days.

Hang with me though, people.

Did you know “slapdash” is a word?

Posted 11 Nov 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass

It doesn’t have any significance really to this post, but it made me giggle. I was trying to think of synonyms for the word random and SLAPDASH came up. I kind of love it.

Anyway – I admit I’ve been lacking in the bloggy department. In all honesty, I’ve been lacking in a lot of places on the interwebs lately – here, Twitter, Faceyspace – you name it…I’m not really there.

I mean, I’m keeping up with my Google Reader because let’s face it – one day of not checking in results in about 125 new posts across the 92 blogs I subscribe to. (I think I have a problem.)

So, while I haven’t been here, I’ve been compiling lists (as I’ve been known to do.) In fact, why don’t I make a list of the lists that I have! (If we slip into a black hole after this is made, you can blame me. I can only assume what kind of astronomical trigger was just released after suggesting I make a list of lists. Either that or the inner OCD-tard inside me just grew a second head.)

  • A general “to-do” before Christmas, including such gems as “remove window a/c” and “go through eleventy billion boxes and bags in attic and throw away/donate ALL OF IT.”
  • Christmas lists – for me, for Abbers…and of course for other people. But mostly for me. *cough*IPAD*cough*
  • A Photo list – I still need to take “after” photos of our basement remodel so I can finally effing post it, and we need some photos of the Abs for our Christmas cards because I’ve turned into THAT MOTHER who won’t stop sending you photo cards for holidays with pictures of my kid slapped on all of them.
  • A home improvement list, which right now is encompassed with the living room and our bedroom. Lofty dreams, have I.
  • And finally a blog “to-do” list – of posts, photos and whatnot that I know I’ve promised and have yet to deliver.

Phew. Most of this stuff I really do want to accomplish by Christmas. <insert maniacal laugh here> Also, I’m pretty sure the hubs just did an audible head-desk. BUT WHATEVER. I’ve accepted the fact that I am a busy bee and I’m not happy if I’m sitting still or don’t have plans or am not ruining my life with lists of lists.

Abby’s Birthday Party: The Photos

Posted 06 Nov 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, other people are awesome, paparazzi