In case you didn’t have enough social media crack…

Posted 20 May 2011 in I am awesome, RAD

You can follow me on Pinterest!

Let me know if you need an invite to join because OMGIMTOTALLYADDICTEDCRACKSAMMICHNOM.



  1. This site overwhelms me and, per usual, I will get interested in it in roughly four years as everyone else’s interest in it begins to wain. And also, I don’t know how to pronounce it. Pin-to-rest? Pinter-yes? I’m going to call it “Jenna’s Jumbly Site.”

  2. Sara

    I totally want an invite…I need more ways to avoid work.

  3. D

    I have wasted many hours this week on that site and i LOVE it!!! My user name is d_unpolished if you want to follow. I’m still figuring some stuff out on there but it’s my major addiction these days.
    D recently posted..Later Has Become Now My Profile

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