Well, the fact that I am posting means I survived our first plane trip with the Abbers. For reals, Internets? She was a muthereffing rock star on that plane.

Blurry walking through the airport photo.

Getting prepared for the flight. With Goldfish.
She totally made that plane her bitch on the way there. Slept through takeoff and EVERYTHING. (Virtual high-fives.) Although, she never really understood that she was ON a plane. When we landed she was all “AIRPLANE! AIRPLANE!” upon seeing all the planes at their gates. I reminded her a couple times that DUDE WE ARE ON A PLANE but it didn’t really register.
Sidenote – you can check a carseat FOR FREE when you fly on Delta. I was not aware of that. Also? Awesome.
Anyway, we had a LOT of fun with the fam and Abby in the Bay Area. We hit up a few wineries on Friday afternoon, then headed to the Armstrong Redwoods State Reserve. All Abby wanted to do was climb the trees like her older cousins, whom she referred to simply as “BOYSSSS!!” Unfortunately, she was a bit too little to do the tree climbing thing.

Abby going for a hike while mom & dad get wasted at the vineyards. (just kidding.) (sort of.)

RedWOODS! (To be shouted like IngleWOOD!) (Like Dr. Dre.) (Duh.)
Saturday we headed into the city for some farmers market action and then a playground for the kiddies, as well as made an attempt to go shopping, but a random downpour ended that quickly. So, in typical Jenna fashion, we went back on Sunday to Haight Street where I bought two adorable new dresses, as well as a shirt for the hubs.

Dont even act like youre offended.
Then Monday morning we headed back to the airport with a toddler unwilling to nap. She did okay on the flight back, but had some ear issues upon landing. And then had some meltdown issues from not sleeping.
All in all though? It went really, really well. Thank you everyone for all the advice and willingness to listen to me freak out about this trip.
Impressed by A! My girls did great at one flight at seven months. They’ve destroyed the well being of all air passengers since then.
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