I swear to God I’m going to post about BlogHer.

But before I do, I’m offering up this:


Seriously. I have been away from my home for the past three weekends in a row. Two of them without Abby. AND I AM OVER IT. Upon getting home on Sunday I started nesting and it carried through yesterday and will continue this evening, because I just want SO BADLY to be at home, and to have my home be perfect for me to be in for a very long time. Or until we go away for Labor Day weekend. (uuuggghhhhhh.) (But it’s to see Pearl Jam. Yay!)

Anyway, I have a lot of fun stories and pictures to share. I promise. And I’ll try my damnedest to get something up this week.

Until then, enjoy these photos taken professionally (read: not blurry like most of mine) during the Hostess with the Mostess party.

I’m really good at not being sexy.

(clockwise from top left: Amanda, Beth Anne, me, Mae, Mandy and Andrea)


  1. yeah so i didn’t know there were red carpets at blogher?!? let me add this to reasons why i’m jealous of all you people.

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