Items of note:
I broke down and bought an expo & party pass for BlogHer this year in NYC. HECK YES. I was just going to pass on this year, but then I thought about not seeing my lovelies that I only get to see once a year and suddenly my checking account had $100 less dollars in it. I have roommates and just reserved a room. Ahhh! AUGUST!
My entire family is sick with yet another cold. I was on the tail end of it until I had to stay up all night for a work thing (yay midnight site launches!) and now I’m sick as an effing dog today. I’m thisclose to giving a nettie pot a try, although it combines my fear of bodily fluids and drowning in one little plastic device. We’ll see. Until then I’m sticking with Sudafed. (And not that fake over the counter stuff. The real shit you have to ask the pharmacist for. You know, the stuff that rednecks and college kids make meth with.) The hubs sounded like hell this morning and Abbers is still coughing all over everything. My house should probably be quarantined.
I have to splurge and yell *somewhere* about the fact that I get to be involved in TWO WEDDINGS this year! I’m a Matron of Honor in one and a Personal Attendant (yes, that needs capitalization) in another. I’m so stoked. I’ve never really been involved in a wedding before, aside from my own and my Auntie’s. I’m going to personally attend the shit out of one and make even the manliest men cry magical unicorn tears with my Matron of Honor speech at the other. Bitches get ready.
(I should also mention that I have requested to be listed as the “Lady of Honor” or the “Dutchess of Honor” in any printed materials because HOLY SHIT does “matron of honor” sound dowdy and old. I may be in my 30s but I don’t wear broaches or housecoats.)
(I do wear cardigans and old lady glasses though. Whatever.)
Another member of my family has been diagnosed with breast cancer – my Great Aunt Georgia. She’s 93 years young. So far, my mom (and myself, I suppose) is the only woman in the family untouched by cancer. She’s standing by my Aunt Georgia’s side through this, after being by my Aunt Mitzi’s side, and my late Aunt Julie’s. If you could say a prayer or something for her to give her and my Great Aunt strength through this, it would be appreciated.
And ending on a brighter note, my family grew by one more, recently.
Internets, meet Fiona.

cute kitty ftw
We adopted her from a metro area Humane Society and I freaking love her to bits. Above is a picture of her laying on the couch being cuter than anything on the planet. She’s tiny, loves attention and is so gentle and forgiving with Abby.
The hubs and I really missed having a kitty around the house and had gone back and forth about getting another one. We both decided before looking that it needed to be a girl this time (due to all the basement peeing we went through with Boo-Boo, one of our last cats) and that she had to be good with a toddler yelling and grabbing at her. (We’re working on that.) She was all of these things. Fiona (also known as Fi-fi and Feefers) has the tiniest meow and is a cat-nip addict. Did I mention I luff her? Because I do. I think we all do.
Alright, that’s all I have for now. I’m still working on trying to get my blogging mojo back. Like my mom said, “You’d better start blogging more if you’re going to New York this summer!”
Tru dat, mom. TRU DAT.
Awe. Such a cute kitty. And Yeah for NY! Maybe I’ll see you there.