Any of you who know me outside of the interwebs (you know, in real life) know that I have one true vice. Soda. Specifically, Coca-Cola.
Oh, Coke. It is so delicious. Especially fountain Coke from McDonalds. I have a name for large Cokes from McDonalds. MAGIC COKE. Because they taste like liquid magic.
I’m getting off track. See? I EFFING LOVE COKE.
The problem is, I really only ever drink soda anymore. I never drink water. Just soda. This? Is not healthy. Combined with my lack of exercise and it seems I’m growing my own innertube for our trip to the ocean in 6 weeks.
SO. I’m giving it up. No, not completely. Do you think I’m insane? Right. I’m giving up soda during the week. Only to be served on the weekends.
Already I’m struggling. I really want one right now. BUT I WILL PREVAIL.
(not ironically, when I Googled “no more coke,”
it mostly returned images of Lil’ Wayne and Charlie Sheen.
Which is awesome.)
Wish me luck.
Oh my god, you’re brave! As I type this I’m having my second Dr. Pepper of the day. Even a trip to the dentist last week and news of many new cavities hasn’t slowed me down. Good luck!
Meghan recently posted..Friday Five
Good for you. You know I used to love me some Coke too back in the day. But once you give it up, you stop craving it. And let me tell you, water, as good as it is for you, is no Coke. But your body will thank you for less sugar and chemicals. You’ll probably sleep better!
Martini recently posted..10 Randoms
Tell me about it! Coca-Cola is so freaking awesome! I especially like Coca-Cola without bubbles! . It’s like a smooth liquid of God’s :))
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