Archive for 2012

On the Road.

Posted 08 Jun 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category uncategorized

on the road. part 1

on the road. part 2

on the road. part 3

Internet = Sparkly Unicorns

Posted 31 May 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, marriage, motherhood, other people are awesome, paparazzi, RAD, The Hubs

(Sparkly Unicorns = Magic. Therefore, the Internet = Magic.)

Many moons ago, when I was newly with child (and let’s face it, before that even), I was on a website called The Bump. I met many wonderful ladies there – many of whom I’ve since met in person and have become internet friends with.

One of those ladies I referred to as “Bacon.” It became apparent that we lived in a fairly close proximity to each other, but we never met in person. Until Yo Gabba Gabba. Finally we’d broken the ice. We became Facebook friends (which is pretty serious, as far as I’m concerned) and had windows into each others FB lives.

When Bacon…I mean Melissa was looking to build her photography portfolio, I quickly volunteered myself and the whole family, because DUH.

I should revise the formula in the beginning. Melissa = Sparkly Unicorns = Magic.




T’was a holiday weekend.

Posted 29 May 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category motherhood, toddler business

The hubs, Abbers and I spent the holiday weekend at my parents home in Wisconsin. We were able to spend three and a half days there, and the weather for the most part cooperated.

Being at their home feels so much more…home-y to me, and I didn’t even grow up in that home. In fact, I never even lived there. But there’s something about it that just resonates family and togetherness. And that’s exactly what this weekend was about – breakfasts together at the kitchen island, drawing together in chalk on the driveway, and playing in the backyard.

Our home has these things, but they just don’t give me that feeling. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m with my parents – my family – that gives it that feeling. I only see them once a month or two, so it makes long weekends like this one that much more special. Having Abby there makes the time even more important to me. She loves her grandparents and loves the space their house and yard provide her. Nothing makes me happier than seeing her interact with them.

Even more awesome was taking her to the Memorial Day parade in my home town, where we watched the high school marching band perform (the same band I was in) – and sharing that with Abby. I started out cheering for them, but then noticed they weren’t marching with the colorguard (which is what I was in during marching season) – when I began yelling “WHERE’S THE COLORGUARD?! WHERE’S THE TWIRLING FLAGS?!” The people on the curb next to us were laughing at first, but then seemed concerned about my dire need to see the ladies and their flags. I was close to asking shouting at the band director (who was the same as was my band director 15 years ago) where the hell they were, but he seemed totally indifferent about even being there, so I let it go. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago, getting drunk at the same bar I was. Awwwkkkwwaarrddd.

I didn’t really take any pictures this weekend, save a couple of a kick-ass storm that blew through on Saturday night. I didn’t even take the fancy camera out of it’s fancy camera bag. While pictures of the weekend would have been nice, it’s almost nicer knowing that those images are in my mind and are mine alone, to recall and cherish and keep secret.

The Week in Randoms

Posted 18 May 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, I am awesome, other people are morons, paparazzi, toddler business




So I pulled up to an ATM to get some cash money millionaires for a soda or something and there was a card & receipt still in the machine, which was beeping wildly at their owner, who clearly didn’t give a shit about their dollars and cents. So being the patron saint that I am, I pulled both out, went about my ATM business and then brought the card & receipt upstairs to the bank from which they were issued. While I was walking, I glanced at the receipt at the “available balance” on the account.


I literally had to count the decimal places to make sure I was seeing it right. My first thought was OMG WE’RE BUYING A NEW HOUSE, but then I remembered most home sellers don’t take check cards, so I bailed on that. Then I remembered my buddy karma, and continued onto the bank, where the teller choked on his gum when I pointed it out to him. I left to buy my soda, and bought a lotto ticket as well, hoping for instant karma. I’m just checking my numbers now…annndddd I won $1. YOU STILL OWE ME, KARMA.



A good morning.

Posted 16 May 2012 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, motherhood, other people are awesome, paparazzi, posting on-the-go

This morning when I dropped Abbers off at daycare, I had a little surprise waiting for me.

Since she only has daycare Wednesdays and Thursdays, her mothers day gift to me sat there all weekend. Even though it’s a few days late, it was a lovely way to begin my morning.


There were additional photos that didn’t make it into the frame. They are all so sweet – I got a little verclempt walking to work.


