Archive for the ‘motherhood’ Category

Hungry baby = fast post.

Posted 19 Jan 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, motherhood

Hello internets.

Again, routine in the Abby house = not much excitement. However, MY MOTHER is coming to stay with us! Her flight gets in at 5-ish today, and she’s staying through the weekend (my dad is driving up on Friday). The hubs and I keep saying “they’re going to shit when they see how much she’s changed.” Like, at least once a day we say that. It’s getting ridiculous, but it’s so true.

Anyway, Abby and I will be at the airport to pick her up, and I’m hoping she blesses my mom with a big gummy smile. They’re still few and far between so when they happen it’s pretty monumental.

Other than that, I go back to work TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY. I am both excited and totally dreading that day at once.

Sorry there’s nothing funny to report with this post. Except maybe the fact that I smell like cat butt. Did I mention I didn’t shower yesterday? Because I didn’t.

And…Abby just filled her diapers. The sheer force of her pushing out the poo made the pacifier in her mouth shoot across the room. THERE’S your excitement, internets. Enjoy.

This post is mostly for my mom…

Posted 13 Jan 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category baby business, motherhood

…because she was getting sick of the guidos fist pumping every time she checked my blog. Now you get to see a post addressed to you! And now everyone knows you’re not amused by The Situation. I’ll post your phone number for disagreeing fans later.

Not much is going on in the land of Abby and her unshowered mother. Routine is setting in, and so when I do things like wash dishes twice a day, do laundry and pick up the house while watching Bonnie Hunt and What Not to Wear…there really isn’t much worth blogging about.

It DOES sadden me that routine is finally settling in, and I’m going back to work in less than three weeks. I’m going to try to make the best of the rest of my time and make Abby learn as many tricks as possible so I don’t miss anything. She did give me a BIG smile yesterday morning when I went to her crib to get her up for the day. We’re still working on smiles. I think she’s just a little shy. Other than that, she’s lifting her legs up in the air all the time now, so we’re getting some assistance during diaper changes.

Hmmm…what else? I think that’s about it for now. I apologize for my lack of anything. I’m spending most of my time manning the Save Conan fanpage on Facebook. (I’m so crabby with NBC that I could spit.) Wanna become a fan? Click here.

It’s been real, 2009.

Posted 31 Dec 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, marriage, motherhood, paparazzi

So…we’ve come to the infamous blog post on New Year’s Eve where bloggers ’round the world spout off resolutions everyone knows they won’t keep and wrap up the year. (I find it hilarious that I only blogged more because I got pregnant, and did not lose 10 pounds but instead gained 40 and then lost 30…so essentially I GAINED 10lbs. Awesome.)

Mine shall be no different.

If ever there was a year that was a rollercoaster of emotions, it was this one. The nerd in me wanted to make a line chart of my ups and downs, but that seems a little excessive.

I ended 2008 by driving to Lutsen, MN in THE WORST BLIZZARD EVAR and then skied my way into 2009. I took a girls trip to Vegas where I crippled myself in my last attempt at heels. I went to Mexico with the hubs and my parents, where I peed on a stick and found out my life was never to be the same. Not long after that, my beloved Grandmother Gabba took a turn for the worse, and in April, she passed away. I said goodbye to a friend far, far too early. Over the summer, I bitched and moaned about being pregnant with Abby, who kicked my ass internally. I had a baby shower, and had to put my darling kitty Miles to sleep. I attempted a weekend in the north woods at 28 weeks pregnant. I turned 29, had about a million labor scares, had another baby shower, gave birth 2 weeks early to my precious daughter, born on her late Great Grandmother Gabba’s birthday. And for the past 2 months I have watched her grow to be the best baby a mother could ask for.

If ever there was a year of growing up, this was it. I can safely say that I am not the same person I was on that chair lift in Lutsen a year ago. I am so much different. I know what it’s like to lose a part of your heart by losing a loved one. I also know that there is no love like the one you can have for your own child. My mother has become more of a best friend than I ever imagined, and more important to me now that I know what she went through for me. (Read: LABOR.)

I’m not totally ready to file this year away. Parts of it I’m more than happy to try to forget, but others I feel like I never should forget. However, in a little more than 12 hours, 2010 will be here whether I like it or not.

I AM excited to see what 2010 has to offer. It’s no longer about me, but all about Abby. I do turn 30 next year, so that sucks, but unlike this year, I’m looking forward to closing the door on my 20s. But that’s another post for another day. (Another day, in September. Start thinking of appropriate birthday gifts NOW, people.)

My resolutions? Fast and furious – Try to be healthy and be the best momma I can be. I’m pretty sure those aren’t too lofty.

So, that’s a wrap. We’ll see you in 2010, ladies and germs.

2 months.

Posted 29 Dec 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, baby business, motherhood, paparazzi
My dearest Abigail,
Yesterday you turned two months old. On Christmas day, we dropped you off at the Grandparents house for the evening so we could have a party with all of our friends. Occasionally I’d look around our house wondering who was holding you, only to remember you were safe and soundly sleeping in a house a few miles away. When your father and I finally called it a night, we both agreed that we barely could stand that you weren’t here.
Saturday night, like I figured, you didn’t sleep through the night like you normally do. I got up around 3:30 when your fussing became too much and groggily fed you your bottle. That’s when I realized as much as I thought I’d hate not getting enough sleep and being woken up in the middle of the night…I absolutely love it. In fact, I prefer it. Staring at your beautiful face with only the orange glow of the light in your room is all I need to survive.
Love you much,

This is where I get mushy.

Posted 17 Dec 2009 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, baby business, motherhood

This morning, as I’m sitting here, enjoying my new favorite talk show (Bonnie Hunt. I love her. That Chicago accent!! It just reminds me of home.) Abby’s in my lap kind of squirmy but also kind of sleeping. And I start to get mushy because she’s just all kinds of cute.

I love the way she squeaks when she stretches. Did I mention she stretches all the time? Because she does.

And the thing that gets me so much is when she laughs in her sleep. Do all babies do this? She isn’t smiling really that much – just an occasional one here and there that we pretty much have to bribe out of her. But when she sleeps? She’s all smiles and laughs. It melts my heart. And then this morning it dawned on me that someday, she’ll do that when she’s awake…and it’ll be because of something the hubs or I did.

Someone pass the kleenex.

And PS – she slept through the night THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW. Except last night. That didn’t work so well. I’m guessing it’s because her routine was changed, and we weren’t home until nearly 11pm from the in-laws. We’ll try again tonight.