Happy Mom’s day to all the mothers out there. Especially MY MOM. She is full of the awesome. I couldn’t be luckier to have my best friend also be my mommala. Abby seems pretty fond of her as well.
Happy Mother’s day, mom. You’re very loved.
I can’t get this song out of my head. It’s just gorgeous. It’s “Our Hearts Are Wrong” by Jessica Lea Mayfield. She’s so vintage looking, and this kind of reminds me of the Twin Peaks theme…which we all know is rad.
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(That’s 1.5 years old for those of you who weren’t math majors. Or who don’t have a calculator handy.)
Yes, ladies and germs…Abigail Rita is a year and a half old, as of yesterday.
Last week she had her 18 month check, and she her stats were 26 pounds, and 32 inches.
She is just a ball of awesome. We love her so much. She talks so much…I can’t even begin to write out the list. She IS counting to two…which is effing awesome. She walks around saying “One…TWO!” about everything. We’re working on #3 now.
And now, some pictures of the pretty lady.
Since I posted a “Nursery” tab at the top of the this blog, I realized how much we’ve added to it since then. The biggest addition being a toddler.
Not that I had another baby, but let’s be honest – this isn’t a nursery anymore. It’s Abby’s room.
I look back at all the initial photos I posted, and they’re so organized and minimal. This is due to two reasons – one being that Abby really WAS a baby, and was not able to do anything in this room but sleep in it. The second is that – and I’ll be honest here – I was trying to impress the folks at Ohdeedoh. And it didn’t work. I still get a lot of traffic from there, but it’s mostly people checking out the paint color on the walls. (It’s Benjamin Moore’s Grey Wisp if you’re curious).
Anyway, this room has changed from my version of baby heaven to Abby’s. There’s more toys, more books, more EVERYTHING because she needs deserves everything.
view from the doorway
detail: pictures opposite dresser
changing table, glider & shelves
detail: hook under shelves
detail from top shelf: personalized crest waiting to be framed
bookshelf, crib, diaper genie (gross), mounds of toys
And a more interesting view of the same picture:
VERY interesting
So, that’s a good vision of Abby’s room today-much more lived in, more crap, still more to do, but loved so very much by a little girl and her parents.
(if you have any questions about where we got anything, just let me know and I’ll add it to the bottom of this post!)
(oh, and sorry but not really about the photo quality. the fancy camera’s batteries were dead so I was stuck with ye olde point & shoot. my bad.)
Baby Announcement Crest – Found at a gorgeous Etsy shop called Spread the Love. Melanie was awesome to work with!