26 weeks.

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Posted 04 Aug 2009 in baby business

How far along? 26 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: About + 20 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Indeed.

Stretch marks? Boob and thighs. Fun for all.

Sleep: Better, and less getting up at night. Although, back sleeping is now outlawed due to their tendency to induce BHs.

Best moment this week: Seeing the fam this past weekend!

Movement: Totally.

Food cravings: SUGAR.

Gender: Thinking girl.

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, probably forever.

Belly Button in or out? Barely innie.

What I miss: Sleeping on my back. Totally.

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted, and picking up furniture this weekend!

Weekly Wisdom: Always love and cuddle your furbabies!!! And swelling sucks. :)

Milestones: The swelling hath begun.

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