My bad.

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Posted 17 Sep 2009 in baby business

Turns out we left our camera at the in-laws during my birthday dinner on Tuesday night, so I wasn’t able to take a new belly pic. Whoops. I tried though! I was even going to take it in my new work clothes so my mom could see how they’re holding up with my ever growing belly. (Hi Mom!)

I ended up going to the doc this morning instead of tomorrow morning because I had some concerns about the pressure I was feeling, as well as the hot flashes my contractions have begun to cause. The verdict? Everything’s still the same. Baby’s still head down, but will “float up” when pushed, cervix still thick, not dilated, but soft…which is their only concern. Weekly appointments are still on the books from here on out. I’m supposed to continue with the increased laying on the side…and they’re not going to test me again for the fFN protein because in their eyes, with all my contractions and irritable uterus, I’m on their “slightly high risk radar” regardless.

And in Birthing Class news – we had our third class last night, which included another tour of the Birthplace at our hospital. I paid attention a lot more during this tour than our first tour (I think in April) and everything got a lot more real. It made me want to pack my hospital bag (which is on my list) just in case…

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