I’ve almost completely convinced myself that I have ADD. I have been thinking about a fafillion things other than work WHILE AT WORK today, including but not limited to:
- Getting my taxes done
- Blogging about Mexico
- Abby in general
- Signing up to attend BlogHer
- Taxes
- Trying to plan a trip to Vegas in April
- Scheduling a weekend to visit my parents
- Penciling in laundry
- Pondering why I can’t be a stay at home mom
- Oh, and taxes.
I keep trying to think about just ONE THING AT ONCE and it’s not happening.
Did you know you can buy Ritalin in “pharmacies” in Mexico? Without a prescription? Because you can – amongst other things, like Amoxicillin and Viagra. Also a tidbit I picked up while there – Dramamine in Mexico is called Vomicin. I shit you not. I’ll take a photo of the packaging when I get home. It was a running joke between the hubs and I during our vacation.
Anyway – I’ve been trying to figure out how to recap our Mexico trip. It had it’s own disasters. However, I can’t wrap my brain around the vacation enough to be able to write about it in a way that isn’t long, drawn out bitching. So…maybe I’ll do it in a few days when I have my head on right. We did have SOME fun. Swearzies.
In the meantime, I’ll just keep staring at my gorgous little stinker until the clock hits five.
Your baby is cute, and I don't think that about most babies! I wanna hear about Mexico, sometimes there is no other way to really get the gist across than to be drawn out about it.
Ok, that pic is toooo cute! Can't wait to hear about Mexico!
Gorgeous, gorgeous baby.
So I read a bit…and am a new follower cause well, we both have Abigail's who we call Abby. We must be mommy blogging friends. Hope that isn't too weird :P.
Can't wait to hear about your trip. Your DD is GORG!
That picture of Abby is GORGEOUS!
i promise i will read the post after i scream ZOMG I WILL EAT YOUR BABY! hide that child, cause i'm GONNA NOM HER.