Did I mention I’m going to BlogHer?

1 Comment
Posted 29 Jul 2010 in blog bidnass, other people are awesome, RAD, retail therapy

(that title is a joke, because, well DER.)

Yeah. This is me…panicking.

In 6 days I’m getting in one of those magical soda cans that can fly at high speeds and arriving in New York City where I will meet some of the most awesome ladies and go to parties and also BE IN EFFING NEW YORK. Oh yeah, and maybe learn a thing or two as well.

I have WAY too much to do in the next week. And not enough time to do it in. I also need to include time to panic about flying, my luggage getting lost, nobody talking to me, getting mugged, seeing one of those jumbo rats the size of a dog, and also panic about panicking.

To add fuel to my anxiety filled fire, I ordered a dress for one of the parties, and it was a big fail. So, now I need to travel to the MOA (that’s Mall of America, to you folks outside the Twin Cities area) and try to find some dresses that can be worn both to BlogHer AND a couple weddings I have coming up. And find a glittery obnoxiousness for Sparklecorn.

Sigh. You guys, even though I’m freaking out, I am SO EXCITED. I cannot wait to meet my bloggy friends/idols/twatpeeps in person and share laughing and copious amounts of the drink. CANNOT WAIT.

I hope one or a few of you won’t shy away from skipping a session and going shopping with me. Because SERIOUSLY LADIES. We’ll be in New York. We have to go shopping and drink martinis and also drink martinis while shopping.

Stay tuned, I’m working on a post about what you’ll be missing out on not being my roommate while at BlogHer. (You know, since I’m rooming with the hubs while I’m there.)


  1. Uh, I’m super excited for all of you lucky ladies who get to go and all – but really, REALLY – we don’t need to know about what you and your hubs are doing in your hotel room that you won’t be doing with the girls who may or may not have been your roomies… just sayin’.

    You know, on second thought – tell away. Just kidding. Sort of. 😉

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