I bought something online.
But it was necessary.
I visited my therapist this week and unloaded on her. She agreed that the culmination of the past month’s events would be enough to send anyone over the edge, no less someone who’s very familiar with PPD/A.
Sometimes it just takes hearing it from someone else’s mouth to make it all the more easy to deal with.
I can’t control a lot of things, like when Abby gets sick, or when scary stuff happens at work. I CAN try to control other things, like how much sleep I get, or stopping myself from feeling overwhelmed.
So, we devised a plan which I later shared with the hubs about how we as a family can help me, the mama, not go off the deep end. One plan is how we handle our sleep situations when Abby’s sick (like alternating having someone sleep on the couch (and that person gets the uninterrupted sleep) every other night). Another is assigning chores and days to complete them for the house. I left her office feeling optimistic; still on-edge, but optimistic. Once I finally got enough cojones to talk to the hubs (like I said before, I have communication issues) and we discussed things, I feel better.
Immediately, I knew what I had to do.
I had to buy this:
The bamboo dry erase board by CB2. I had the remnants of the gift card left after making our combined birthday purchase of this duvet. So, after docking the $35 I had left on there, this only cost me about $35 (with shipping).
I know, I broke my month long online shopping hiatus. But I really feel like this will be SO VERY HELPFUL in our kitchen so we’re both reminded of our daily chores. If we know I’m only going to do laundry on certain days of the week, I know it should all be downstairs near the washing machine or it’s not going to get done. And if the hubs sees that it’s Sunday night and he should take care of the recycling & garbage, then I wont’ have to be a nag. Hopefully, it’ll turn our house into a well oiled machine, instead of being on OSHA’s watch list with a manic, chocolate & wine inhaling micro-manager at the helm.
Not to mention this so much prettier than those ugly white dry erase boards. Am I right? Can I get a witness?
In any case, I will not buy anything else this month. And if I don’t, I’m still $165 richer than I was last month.
And I think this weekend we’re going to finally replace the point & shoot camera I lost on the way to Mexico earlier this year. (Hence the lack of cute Abbers videos lately.) Get ready to be bombarded by the cute.
You whore. I’ve totally been wanting that CB2 board!
Hope it helps!
Tiffany Reese recently posted..Moving on up!
Spring is so close I can almost taste it. Thank GOD.
Glad your adorable kid (with AMAZING eyebrows) is on the mend.
J recently posted..Douchebags Doing Downward Dog
I will witness, you can ALWAYS justify cute stationary items in which to keep organised