Out of curiosity, I just looked back on my OMGBLOGHER post I made last year, and weirdly enough, I could just copy and paste that post here and it would convey the same thing I feel right now. Except the thing about worrying about being mugged in New York. Or seeing a jumbo sewer rat. Now I’m worrying about drowning in the pool at the hotel in San Diego.
(No seriously. Someone keep an eye on me. Or bring me some water wings.)
Anyway – here I am again, a week away from being in sunny San Diego for BlogHer ’11 and I haven’t done ANYTHING to be prepared for it. Except probably piss off a bunch of my Twitter followers by blabbing about it. What’s worse this year is that I’m heading out of town tomorrow for the weekend (AIR SHOW IN WISCONSIN! FAMILY REUNION! EXCITEMENT! CAPS LOCK!) which essentially leaves me Monday to, you know…shop, pack, figure out which sessions I want to attend, and throw myself into a complete panic attack. With Abbers as my sidekick.
Can I pause for a moment to note that it is NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to pack a suitcase with a toddler in the room? At least with mine it is. I’ll put like, 10 things in the suitcase, turn around to grab a pair of shoes and suddenly I’ll see Abby run by wearing my just packed underwear as a hat and all contents of my suitcase emptied out on the floor. It’s completely non-productive. Just pack when she’s sleeping, you say? Fat chance. I have one hour of “me time” after she goes down for the night before I personally pass out for the evening. So, I don’t want to start thinking about that shiz before I go to sleep. That’s when I start having panic dreams about forgetting all my party invites and not having a matching pair of shoes for the whole weekend away. (Yes, that can happen. Just ask my mom. Hi Mom!)
In reality, I don’t need to go shopping or panic. I know I’ll be meeting some new people this year, but last year I was so worried about fitting in and whether or not anyone was really even going to like me that new clothes seemed like the solution to all my problems. This year, I am most excited about seeing the friends I made last year. Friends who I KNOW don’t give a shit about what I wear to Sparklecorn or whether or not I re-wear the same pair of jeans the entire weekend. Or if I smell funny. Because I’m pretty sure it was hotter than a two-dollar whore on the 4th of July while we were in NYC and it’s safe to say I was sweaty. And probably a little gamy.

see? sweating. and I haven't worn that dress since then.
Regardless, my plan this year is to relax more, go to more sessions, spend as much time with my bloggy friends as possible and just HAVE FUN. Did I mention the hubs & Abbers are staying behind this year? I’m basically going to summer camp for the weekend, but instead of making friendship bracelets and dreamcatchers, I’ll be drinking wine and gabbing with the ladies of the interwebs that I love. (Seriously, my gal pals from last year? I love you.)

there's some ladies missing from this photo - but look! the bloggess!
All in all, I’m in an excited-panicky state. Which will probably grow more panicky as each day ticks by.
If you’ll be there this year, look for me! I’m really pretty friendly. A sarcastic asshole, but friendly. Unless you’ve got something against people who wear glasses. Then we’ll box.
I will for sure be looking for you as I know not a single soul going to blogher
and i wear glasses too so we can box anyone who has issue with girls in glasses