Archive for the ‘other people are awesome’ Category

Song Obsession

Posted 03 May 2011 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are awesome, RAD

I can’t get this song out of my head. It’s just gorgeous. It’s “Our Hearts Are Wrong” by Jessica Lea Mayfield. She’s so vintage looking, and this kind of reminds me of the Twin Peaks theme…which we all know is rad.

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The interwebs pull through again.

Posted 12 Apr 2011 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category house stuffs, I am awesome, other people are awesome, retail therapy

So, remember a few weeks ago I ordered that sassy bamboo dry erase board from CB2? And then it got here and was HUGE and I had to send it back?

Gwen, the designer of said bamboo boards and owner of Three by Three Seattle contacted me to let me know there’s only a billion (exaggeration) different sizes and options of their bamboo dry erase boards. I checked out their site and found THE PERFECT one for us. Gwen was kind enough to provide me with a discount code in exchange for a Facebook “Like” and I proceeded to add to cart.

My perfect little bamboo board came yesterday.

The Bamboo Butler

It came with mounting screws and a little dry erase pen. So, I went to the workbench downstairs, grabbed my drill & level and got to work. And after only one cut to the knuckle (who the hell knows how I managed to do that) it’s up and AWESOME.


View from the kitchen sink.

Up close.
Hell yeah I watch Idol.
And you are not invited to the makeout party.

It’s really everything I needed when I ordered the original one, and more. Now we have a place to put our keys that we will A) remember and 2) not have Abby be able to reach them and hide them in her play kitchen. She’s a sneaky one, that Abbers. It’s even got a little slot in the back to put mail or other documents you need to pay attention to. (I’m looking at you, hubs.)

Long story kind of long, I love it. It was super easy to hang and it looks killer.

Gwen is also being kind enough to extend a discount to you guys! Either “Like” Three by Three Seattle on Facebook or shoot me an email and I can whisper the secret code to your email. But, you should probably just “Like” them on Facebook anyway because they have cool, modern looking products that I know I want to keep tabs on…and you should too. You ARE my readers. I assume you have style.

The Fine Print: Gwen and the folks at Three by Three Seattle didn’t pay me or compensate me for this post. I don’t get anything if you get a discount code for yourself, except knowing I made your home that much more awesome.

For Getty.

Posted 05 Apr 2011 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category other people are awesome, please and thank you

As my friend Morgan put it, The internet is magic. Morgan, so are you.

Morgan and her pals in the band The Damnwells put together this album for a little baby girl named Getty, who has been diagnosed with SMA1, or spinal muscular atrophy. SMA is the number one genetic killer in children under the age of two. Beautiful Getty just turned one, the best birthday ever.

ALL proceeds of this album, Sweet Water Child: Lullabies for Getty will go to The Getty Owl Foundation, a newly established non-profit which Kate and Mark Storm set up in their daughter’s honor.

I’ve listened and really enjoy this album. I hope you’ll do the same.

It’s April 2nd. I’m not pregnant.

Posted 02 Apr 2011 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, I am awesome, other people are awesome

Oh interwebs. Pretending I was sparkle pregnant for a day was funny for me. I appreciate all the responses. Especially you, Mandy – because you were the first person I thought of when I posted this. :) Consider us still to be the official weathergals of BlogHer ’11. OOO. We need t-shirts. And The Weather Channel to be our sponsors.

I planned on putting a picture up of a smoking & drinking woman to prove my jokiness…and strangely enough, the majority of results are of smoking & drinking pregnant ladies. Uh, what? I’m not about to put one of those up. Unless it’s a picture of smoking & drinking pregnant me. Because HILARIOUS. ::side-eye::

Anyway – to sum up:

  • Not pregnant
  • I’m hilarious
  • I love you

My therapist made me do it.

I bought something online.

But it was necessary.

I visited my therapist this week and unloaded on her. She agreed that the culmination of the past month’s events would be enough to send anyone over the edge, no less someone who’s very familiar with PPD/A.

Sometimes it just takes hearing it from someone else’s mouth to make it all the more easy to deal with.

I can’t control a lot of things, like when Abby gets sick, or when scary stuff happens at work. I CAN try to control other things, like how much sleep I get, or stopping myself from feeling overwhelmed.

So, we devised a plan which I later shared with the hubs about how we as a family can help me, the mama, not go off the deep end. One plan is how we handle our sleep situations when Abby’s sick (like alternating having someone sleep on the couch (and that person gets the uninterrupted sleep) every other night). Another is assigning chores and days to complete them for the house. I left her office feeling optimistic; still on-edge, but optimistic. Once I finally got enough cojones to talk to the hubs (like I said before, I have communication issues) and we discussed things, I feel better.

Immediately, I knew what I had to do.

I had to buy this:

The bamboo dry erase board by CB2. I had the remnants of the gift card left after making our combined birthday purchase of this duvet. So, after docking the $35 I had left on there, this only cost me about $35 (with shipping).

I know, I broke my month long online shopping hiatus. But I really feel like this will be SO VERY HELPFUL in our kitchen so we’re both reminded of our daily chores. If we know I’m only going to do laundry on certain days of the week, I know it should all be downstairs near the washing machine or it’s not going to get done. And if the hubs sees that it’s Sunday night and he should take care of the recycling & garbage, then I wont’ have to be a nag. Hopefully, it’ll turn our house into a well oiled machine, instead of being on OSHA’s watch list with a manic, chocolate & wine inhaling micro-manager at the helm.

Not to mention this so much prettier than those ugly white dry erase boards. Am I right? Can I get a witness?

In any case, I will not buy anything else this month. And if I don’t, I’m still $165 richer than I was last month.


And I think this weekend we’re going to finally replace the point & shoot camera I lost on the way to Mexico earlier this year. (Hence the lack of cute Abbers videos lately.) Get ready to be bombarded by the cute.