Archive for the ‘RAD’ Category

Salma Hayek’s Snake-Induced Freak-Out

Posted 10 Jun 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category RAD

I had to share this because…really? It’s too funny. If I didn’t think Salma Hayek probably swallowed about 30 valium to get over this, I’d think it was fake. I don’t think she’s ever acted as scared as she physically was in this clip.

Salma Hayek’s Snake-Induced Freak-Out –

In other news, I leave for the airport in just over an hour. Be sure to tune into Twitter over the weekend while I document my trip in random increments and at 140 characters at a time! Short Attention Span people – unite!

(Rememeber Short Attention Span theater? What was that from? Off to investigate.)

Prepare yourselves.

Hey! Do you follow me on Twitter? I hope so. If you don’t, YOU SHOULD. Because Thursday, I’m leaving on a long weekend trip to visit my bestie Amanda. (You should follow her too. I guarantee there will be hilarity via Twatting.) (Wait, her account is locked down. I’ll have a chat with her about this.)

Anyway, YES! I have a weekend away from home, meaning a weekend away from the hubs and Abbers. I will miss them both very very dearly, but OH MY GOD do I need a girls weekend. It’s been no secret I’ve been in The Funk lately and I’ve had just about enough of it. I’ve been trending towards more of the happys lately, but I think this weekend might just help. Or being away from my little family will send me in a downward spiral of despair. Whatevs. There’ll be shopping and lots of the drink so I’m sure I’ll cope somehow. :) (No, family members reading this, I’m not an alcoholic. Yet.)

SO – tune into Twitter starting Thursday afternoon. I’ll be twittering lots and lots until Monday when I return. I’ll be flying to Phoenix, going to an 80s themed happy hour, driving to historic Prescott, AZ…and seeing Sex & The City 2. Then somehow finding my way through the Sky Harbor Airport in a massively hungover state to fly back home.

Speaking of Sex & The City 2, have you seen this video? I swear to you it is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I’ve watched it a million times and tears come to my eyes EVERY SINGLE TIME. So…watch it. And follow this guy on Twitter.

PS – Got the kitchen painted. THANK THE GODS. It looks awesome, btw.

All work and no play…

Posted 19 May 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, I am a moron, RAD

…wait, I lied. I played on Monday. Nevermind. And Saturday.

Saturday we went to Art-a-Whirl, an art gallery crawl in NE Minneapolis. We had a good time, aside from the trip we ended up taking to Target due to parental preparedness FAIL. We thought we could navigate crowded sidewalks and galleries with a stroller. NOPE. And, instead of driving the half hour home to get the Bjorn, we drove to Target instead and bought an Infantino Front2Back carrier (LOVE, hurts my back no more or less than the Bjorn with an 18 lb baby but can be worn on the back WHICH IS AWESOME) and a pair of shorts for the lil’ lady since it got a little toasty out. (My ass left a sweat mark on a chair I was sitting on. Just to give you an idea. And a pretty mental image.)

Sunday we played house and went to Home Depot where we purchased flowers, a couple hanging baskets and stuff needed to get the lawn looking good. I then battled Abby for the afternoon trying to get her to sleep. She wasn’t having it, so I gave up. I DID get my flower planters…uh…planted. So I got something done.

Monday, Abbers and I took a trip to Lake Calhoun and walked the lake. She took a little snooze, I stared at a gigantic Northern in the shallow part of the lake and walked too far in old converse sans socks. It was a gorgeous day though, and I was so glad to spend the time with my little girl. She had a blast. Then we hit the grocery store. That was annoying, as usual. But we had a good day over all.

Last night, I had the privilege of seeing Conan O’Brian live. We also saw the masturbating bear outside. Not the real one, but a pretty good imitator. I know tickets are about as easy to attain as a cure for the common cold, but if you can, GO SEE THIS SHOW. I have not laughed that hard in a long time, and CANNOT WAIT for his TBS show to start.

And to wrap up this post – THIS IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. It’s not far from this atrocity. Either way, if I see anyone on either of these contraptions, consider yourself throat punched.

Twitter Tat Tour.

Posted 14 May 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, cancer sucks, RAD

I enjoyed looking at fellow twatter’s tattoos, so I thought I’d share mine too! Exciting, yes?


The first tattoo I ever got was three stars on my lower back. Yep. Tramp stamp. I haz one. Anyway, I was 19 and star tattoos were all the rage. And I really like stars. Don’t ask why. I shit you not, I went on my PC, opened up Publisher, used the “star” tool, made three stars and printed it. I then brought it to a tattoo place not far from my apartment (Ink Lab on Lake Street) and said “I want this.” The guy (who’s name I don’t recall because I didn’t care) honestly said “Stars are hard to do because they’re so precise.” Did this make me stray? NO. I was like, “Oh, well…do the best you can!” an hour (and $150!!) later, I had three stars on my back. One of them is wonky. But I had a tattoo. I hid it for a while from my parents until I hugged someone in front of them, up came the shirt, and there it was for all to see. Whatevs.

My second tattoo was the cherry blossom branches surrounding my lame stars, which I had done in the summer of 2006. I was lucky enough to have Jon at Uptown Tattoo do it for me (his waiting list is almost a year now). I love my branches. (The picture above was taken shortly after I had it done, complete with tape marks on my back.) I’m obsessed with Japanese art, and cherry blossoms rank pretty high on that list. This tattoo took three hours. THREE HOURS. I did pretty well though, until the last 30 minutes. I could barely tolerate the pain anymore. But I love them. The edges of the tattoo wrap onto my hips a bit and have not been saved from pregnancy stretch marks, but they’re still pretty.

The last tattoo I got was on my foot in October of 2008. I got it for two reasons; one was for my aunt Julie, who had passed away earlier in the year after a battle with breast cancer, and the other was because a month earlier I had walked over 60 miles in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. I had initially planned on a 1/4 – 1/2 sleeve of a geisha (she loved Japanese art too), but I freaked out. It was going to be $800 (which I didn’t have) and take 8 hours. A huge commitment, both time AND skin-wise, and I wasn’t ready yet. So I used my appointment with Zack at Uptown Tattoo to have this done instead. It’s a pink ribbon in the shape of a J (for Julie) “pinned” to my foot, for the 3-day.

I love this tattoo a lot. It only took about 40 minutes but OH MY GOD do foot tattoos hurt. See the ribbon curling up on the right side of my foot? I almost cried. That part of your foot has NO FAT and is like, straight bone. And apparently eleventy BILLION nerve endings. But so worth it.

So, those are my tattoos! I’m still wanting about a billion more, so when I do – of COURSE I’ll let you know. I have a few in mind I would like to have done soon. That geisha 1/2 sleeve is still calling to me.


Posted 27 Apr 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, I am awesome, other people are awesome, RAD

First, I was given the Stilletto Award by browneyes @ The White Blue Sky (formerly Larry’s.Ass). (Don’t worry, the blog is still larry’s ass – if you getthe joke.) Yay!

What is a Stiletto Award???

There are thousands of blogs, and there are hundreds of awards. The Stiletto Award is a little different than most!

The Stiletto Award Is For Excellence in Blogging!

I want to salute the women who balance life, family & relationships with style & class! Those women who share their experiences with us…who encourage us, inspire us, teach us, make us laugh and basically keep us going! You know who they are! While you read this blog, your family is looking at you wondering what the heck you are laughing about so hard…or why the tissue is necessary for internet browsing. It’s the one that the kids are excited about cuz a new post means a new craft project or family outing. The one that inspires you to be a better mom, friend, person in general. The one that reminds you that we are all “in this life together” and you’re not the only one going through the hard stuff. The one that you secretly wish your blog was like…

5. DO WHAT YOU DO…keep at it. Keep inspiring and encouraging and sharing your life! We love it and we thank you!!!

If you’ve received this award, someone out there thinks you deserve it! Be proud! Display the badge with honor! You earned it…after all it means that you brought something special to at least one other person, and really, isn’t that what life’s all about????

This blog is meant to be shared, to be given out, to be bestowed upon any and ALL women who exemplify what the stiletto represents. If you’ve received this award, here’s what you do:

1. Display your Stiletto Badge of Honor on your sidebar! Wear it with pride!


I pass this award onto my girls at Loose Marshmallow and Chocolate Monkey. They are two of the funniest girls I know and I LOVE their blog. LOVE. I just wish they’d write in it more. (HINT HINT, hookers.) (Yes, I am summoning my inner Lafayette a la True Blood. You should watch that show. Srsly.)

And second…oh, you shouldn’t have! Metta1313 @ 365 days: 30+Mommyhood gave me the Honest Scrap award! She’s awesome and if you don’t read her blog, you should. She’s also pretty damn cool because our babies share the name Abby!

So how this award works:
Tell 10 honest things about yourself. And of course pass it on…

1. I am a recovering band geek and get the chills when I hear a drumline. Go ahead…put a kick me sign on my back. S’okay.

2. I can’t wait until Abby learns how to read so I can force all the Little House books & Ramona Quimby series on her.
Speaking of, did you see they’re turning Ramona Quimby into a movie? I don’t know how I feel about this.

3. Nail clipping is one of the most disgusting noises ever. Especially when heard at work. It nearly makes me dry heave.

4. I drink a Slim Fast shake every morning for breakfast. Sure, the “not eating” thing is nice, but I honestly drink them because I think they’re yummy. (Don’t even tell me they’re not. Rich Chocolate Royale. Drink it. Love it.)

5. I am emotionally invested in the Minnesota Twins. If they ever get to the World Series, I’m going to be a wreck.

6. I am just as snarky IF NOT MORE in my subconscious than in “real life.” Sometimes my inner dialogue makes me feel bad that I’m so judgey. Sometimes I wish I could tweet mentally to avoid having to sum it up in 140 characters or less.

7. I just had to spray excessive amounts of Odor Eaters into my converse because THEY WERE THE SMELLIEST SHOES EVER. It always SEEMS like a good idea to go without socks. It looks cute too. However…smell ya later.

8. At least once a week I want to totally redo Abby’s room to be girly. I’m trying to hold back until she gets a big girl bed or we move. This will prove to be difficult.

9. I am totally afraid that when we DO want to move (in the next 3-4 years) that we won’t be able to break even on our mortgage. I have nightmares regarding this topic.

10. And finally, someone tweeted about this today: I’m nervous about meeting a lot of my favorite bloggers when I attend BlogHer in August. I’m scared I’ll be super dork and they’ll be all “Whoa. I’ve been tweeting at YOU? Later Nerdasaurus.” At which point I’ll hole up in my fancy schmancy hotel room and OD on cocktail peanuts.

And…I’m spent. Thank you for the awards, ladies! I’m honored!