Archive for the ‘other people are awesome’ Category

I know I know.

Posted 12 May 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, blog bidnass, motherhood, other people are awesome, retail therapy


Clearly, not blogging.

I’d like to direct you to my pal Felicia. She posted about this very subject on Monday. This is why I love her. (Warning: She uses some swears. Hell, I use swears. If you can’t handle it you probably shouldn’t be reading my blog, you goodie-goodie, you.)

So, anyway…life was happening and I was not really around a ‘puter to get to the bloggin’ this weekend. We drove to my parents house in Wiscompton and did some relaxing with my folks. Abbers had her third opportunity to sleep in her pack and play…only this time she was too big for the bassinet, so she just slept in the other part. I use the word “slept” loosely since she didn’t really. She HATED it. She slept on my chest in our bed. Meanwhile, I didn’t sleep.

Monday we had Mommy/Daughter day and went to IKEA to hunt down the crib we’ll be assembling at my parents house lest we go through the no-sleep -solution again. I managed to find a duvet for our bed that was a whopping $14.99 and bought some new throw pillows so I now have a GREY AND YELLOW BEDROOM! (Except for the blue walls, but I digress.) I bought some other crap too.


Do you see that? “Your package has been delivered.” Do you know what package that is?



I’m going to take a crap load of photos tonight and share them. I promise. The hubs owes me a night of devotion to my compy.

Oh yeah, Happy Moms day to all y’all mammas. I trust it was splendid for each of you. The hubs was kind enough to spring for a pair of replacement William Rast Jeans for the ones I purchased many many moons ago. My pregnant and post-pregnancy gams managed to rub a hole through the inner thigh, making them an “at home” kind of jean. Now, I have a new pair. YUSSSSSS. Alright, check back later for photos that I PROMISE I’LL PUT UP.


Posted 27 Apr 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, I am awesome, other people are awesome, RAD

First, I was given the Stilletto Award by browneyes @ The White Blue Sky (formerly Larry’s.Ass). (Don’t worry, the blog is still larry’s ass – if you getthe joke.) Yay!

What is a Stiletto Award???

There are thousands of blogs, and there are hundreds of awards. The Stiletto Award is a little different than most!

The Stiletto Award Is For Excellence in Blogging!

I want to salute the women who balance life, family & relationships with style & class! Those women who share their experiences with us…who encourage us, inspire us, teach us, make us laugh and basically keep us going! You know who they are! While you read this blog, your family is looking at you wondering what the heck you are laughing about so hard…or why the tissue is necessary for internet browsing. It’s the one that the kids are excited about cuz a new post means a new craft project or family outing. The one that inspires you to be a better mom, friend, person in general. The one that reminds you that we are all “in this life together” and you’re not the only one going through the hard stuff. The one that you secretly wish your blog was like…

5. DO WHAT YOU DO…keep at it. Keep inspiring and encouraging and sharing your life! We love it and we thank you!!!

If you’ve received this award, someone out there thinks you deserve it! Be proud! Display the badge with honor! You earned it…after all it means that you brought something special to at least one other person, and really, isn’t that what life’s all about????

This blog is meant to be shared, to be given out, to be bestowed upon any and ALL women who exemplify what the stiletto represents. If you’ve received this award, here’s what you do:

1. Display your Stiletto Badge of Honor on your sidebar! Wear it with pride!


I pass this award onto my girls at Loose Marshmallow and Chocolate Monkey. They are two of the funniest girls I know and I LOVE their blog. LOVE. I just wish they’d write in it more. (HINT HINT, hookers.) (Yes, I am summoning my inner Lafayette a la True Blood. You should watch that show. Srsly.)

And second…oh, you shouldn’t have! Metta1313 @ 365 days: 30+Mommyhood gave me the Honest Scrap award! She’s awesome and if you don’t read her blog, you should. She’s also pretty damn cool because our babies share the name Abby!

So how this award works:
Tell 10 honest things about yourself. And of course pass it on…

1. I am a recovering band geek and get the chills when I hear a drumline. Go ahead…put a kick me sign on my back. S’okay.

2. I can’t wait until Abby learns how to read so I can force all the Little House books & Ramona Quimby series on her.
Speaking of, did you see they’re turning Ramona Quimby into a movie? I don’t know how I feel about this.

3. Nail clipping is one of the most disgusting noises ever. Especially when heard at work. It nearly makes me dry heave.

4. I drink a Slim Fast shake every morning for breakfast. Sure, the “not eating” thing is nice, but I honestly drink them because I think they’re yummy. (Don’t even tell me they’re not. Rich Chocolate Royale. Drink it. Love it.)

5. I am emotionally invested in the Minnesota Twins. If they ever get to the World Series, I’m going to be a wreck.

6. I am just as snarky IF NOT MORE in my subconscious than in “real life.” Sometimes my inner dialogue makes me feel bad that I’m so judgey. Sometimes I wish I could tweet mentally to avoid having to sum it up in 140 characters or less.

7. I just had to spray excessive amounts of Odor Eaters into my converse because THEY WERE THE SMELLIEST SHOES EVER. It always SEEMS like a good idea to go without socks. It looks cute too. However…smell ya later.

8. At least once a week I want to totally redo Abby’s room to be girly. I’m trying to hold back until she gets a big girl bed or we move. This will prove to be difficult.

9. I am totally afraid that when we DO want to move (in the next 3-4 years) that we won’t be able to break even on our mortgage. I have nightmares regarding this topic.

10. And finally, someone tweeted about this today: I’m nervous about meeting a lot of my favorite bloggers when I attend BlogHer in August. I’m scared I’ll be super dork and they’ll be all “Whoa. I’ve been tweeting at YOU? Later Nerdasaurus.” At which point I’ll hole up in my fancy schmancy hotel room and OD on cocktail peanuts.

And…I’m spent. Thank you for the awards, ladies! I’m honored!


Posted 26 Apr 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, other people are awesome

I’ve been thinking of blogging about something for a while and haven’t, just because it was still too new. Sitting here with Abby in my lap, I feel like I have to say it now.

Three weeks ago Wednesday I went to the hospital to say goodbye to my friend Sarah. When I got there, her friends and family were all gathered at her bedside, going around saying why they were thankful for her. We started with eyes, then ears, mouth, and so on. When we got to her hands, her mother said something I will never forget as long as I live.

She said, “I am thankful for Sarah’s hands, because if you bend her fingers back just so, you can see the dimples she had in her hands as a baby.”

I couldn’t even breathe after she said it. I’ve lost family & friends before, but never as a mother. For the first time I understood the real pain of losing a child. It’s so cliche, but when people say “You don’t even know how much you can love until you have a child of your own…” it’s so true. It’s so true…it almost hurts when you love that much.

So now, when I sit with Abby in my lap, staring at her hands, I think of Sarah. Every time I see the dimples in her knuckles…it’s Sarah. It’s still new enough that it makes me tear up and be sad. I know that someday I’ll see those dimples and smile. I’m looking forward to that day.

How do I begin to explain…

Posted 22 Apr 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category blog bidnass, I am awesome, other people are awesome, RAD

A coworker walked up behind me and read this in the top right hand corner of my browser.

I started to try to explain, and decided to just say “Twitter, dude. Twitter.”

That seemed explanation enough.

If you’re not already following me and my gang of mommas and poppas on Twitter, you should. This post might make a little more sense. Otherwise, if you read probably the most awesome post written by someone other than me, it could also shed some light on any confusion.

How do I decide?! I know! Ask the internets!

Posted 14 Apr 2010 — by Mrs. Jenna
Category Abigail, blog bidnass, other people are awesome, paparazzi, please and thank you

So, I’m super-duper-uuber stoked for my prize from Modern Bird Studios via Harper’s Happenings. Now the hard part. Picking an image.

I chatted with Megan from Modern Bird and they’re being super awesome and letting me upgrade to a 12″x24″ piece instead (in exchange for dollars, of course). I was quick to start looking at pictures. The hubs and I have it narrowed down to two; I can’t decide. So, which one should we pick? Remember, this is more than likely being hung above our fireplace.

This is an example of their awesome work:

And here are the images we’re deciding between. Don’t even ask me which colors we’re choosing.

Huhhh. Decisions decisions.

So, HELP dear internets! Which do we choose? Abbers will forever be captured in one of these two poses (well, moreso forever than a digital copy of these photos). Which should we do?