It’s been three months since I blogged last. I’m painfully aware. BlogHer Ad Networks made me aware by kicking me out, which is really okay since I wasn’t able to do much with the pennies I was making from them.
ANYWAY. Many things have happened in the last three months. I don’t know that I will necessarily write a big post about all of it…so how about a big list with an occasional picture thrown in? Sound okay? AWESOME.
- We took our house off the market to take a break from showings and figure out our gameplan. We ended up hiring a different realtor.
- I turned 33.
- We put our house back on the market.
- The hubs turned 38.
- I visited my bestie on an Air Force base and stole an F-16. (partially not true.)
- We took the house off the market again when showings slowed and we realized we like letting our house get messy and look lived in. We’ll put it back on the market again in the spring when things pick up again.
- Abby turned 4 and nearly set her head on fire when blowing out the candles. (photo taken randomly at the same time as the flare-up. she was totally fine, and ended up in with an involuntary “Jennifer Aniston” birthday haircut.)
- I got a haircut and went from this last Tuesday morning:
To this Tuesday night:
And it feels awesome.
- In other news this week, MamaPop closed it’s doors (although I haven’t written for them in months), and I signed on a deal to start writing for Dish Nation, a new entertainment website/tv show! I’m super stoked. In fact, the first post I wrote for them was featured on Huffington Post! (Cue total hysterics and near hugging of strangers when I found out.) I will be writing under their byline, but I’ll be sure to share which posts are mine when they’re live.
I also saved all my posts from MamaPop and am trying to decide if I should post them here somewhere. It’s a possibility.
So…yeah. I’m sure I’m forgetting things. And other stuff is simultaneously happening that I’ll try to blog about when the time is right. But yeah. Maybe I’ll remember to keep this updated moving forward? Maybe?
At any rate, I’m glad to be back. I wasn’t ready to go away. Yet.